Butler County Kentucky History and Biographies


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A virtual “who’s – who” of pioneer Butler County, this reprint contains sketches and history originally published in:

a. The History of Kentucky, by Lewis Colins, published 1882 or
b. Kentucky: A History of The State, by W.H. Perrin, J.H. Battle & G.C. Kniffin, published 1885.

These two books set the standard for Kentucky history and pioneer biographies.

Be sure and check out other books on Kentucky. We have an entire series on History and Biographies as well as Births, Deaths and Marriages for many Kentucky counties.



Abbott, Aberdeen, Abney, Aherling, Alexander, Anderson, Anglea, Annis, Arendell, Arnold, Atkins, Austin

Badgett, Bailey, Baker, Banks, Barbrey, Barket, Beauchamp, Beebe, Beesley, Belcher, Bellar, Bennett, Berry, Bilbo, Blunk, Bolton, Bond, Borah, Bowles, Bratcher, Brewer, Bridges, Brisendine, Brown, Bunch, Burbridge, Burchfield, Burriss, Butler, Byers

Caldwell, Cardwell, Carpenter, Carr, Carson, Caudill, Chapman, Chick, Clark, Clay, Cohron, Cole, Coleman, Comfort, Conway, Cook, Cooper, Coppage, Corder, Cornell, Corum

Daughety, Day, Dellium, DeWeese, Dexter, Dial, Dixon, Dockery, Doolin, Dopson, Doran, Drake, Drozenden, Duke, Duncan, Dunn, Durham, Durkee, Duvall

Eades, Eads, Easley, Elder, Elmore, Embry, English, Enoch, Evans, Ewing

Ferguson, Ferry, Finley, Fisher, Flener, Fletcher, Flowers, Floyd, Fluallen, Ford, Forgy, Forsythe, Fransell, Fuqua, Ferguson

Galloway, Garrison, Gary, Gates, Gautier, Gayer, Gibson, Gill, Gontz, Goodall, Goodman, Gott, Graham, Graves, Gray, Greene, Grubles, Guest, Guffy, Guiler, Gupton, Gwynn

Haffley, Hamill, Hammer, Hampton, Haney, Haning, Harreld, Harris, Harrison, Haslip, Hatcher, Hawes, Haws, Hay, Hayden, Haynes, Hayse, Helm, Hendrix, Hendrickson, Henry, Herreld, Hill, Hinant, Hines, Hinly, Hobody, Honaker, Hood, Horney, Howard, Hudnall, Hudson, Hughes, Humphrey, Hunt, Hunter, Hutchison

Jackson, Jains, James, Jamison, Jenkins, Johnson, Jones, Jordan

Kesinger, Kilgour, Kimbley, Kirland, Kuykendall

Lack, Landrum, Larrence, Lawson, Layman, Layne, Leach, Lincoln, Lockston, London, Lowe

McClung, McCoy, McHenry, McKinney, McKy, McMillan, McReynolds, McSpedden

Madison, Mansfield, Martin, Mason, Meredith, Meyers, Miles, Milligan, Mill, Milligan, Monroe, Moore, Morand, More, Morehead, Morgan, Morris, Motley, Munroe, Murray

Nash, Neel, Newton, Nichols, Noell, Norris, Nourse, Nutting

Odom, Oller, Orange, Overstreet, Owen, Owsley

Page, Palmore, Parker, Parks, Paxton, Payne, Peay, Pendley, Penner, Perry, Phelps, Phillips, Pirtle, Pitman, Polk, Poole, Porter, Prather

Quiesenberry, Quinn

Read, Reade, Rector, Reeves, Render, Renfrow, Rhoads, Rickman, Ried, Rives, Rogers, Romans, Rone, Runner, Rush, Russ

Satterfield, Sebastian, Sharer, Shaver, Shultz, Siler, Simmonds, Simpson, Sipes, Slate, Slaughter, Small, Smith, Snead, Snodgrass, Stearling, Sterrett, Stewart, Strain, Strother, Sublett, Sutton, Sweatt

Talbott, Tanner, Taylor, Terry, Thacker, Thatcher, Thomas, Thomasson, Thornton, Tibbs, Tinsley, Tisdale, Todd, Tuck, Turner


Waddle, Wade, Walker, Wallace, Wand, Warren, Washington, Watkins, Watt, Weaver, Webster, Westerfield, Whalen, Whalin, Whitaker, White, Whitten, Whittington, Wiggins, Willey, Williams, Willingham, Willis, Wilson, Wood, Woodard, Woodbury, Woods, Woolridge, Woosley, Wright

Yost, Young
