Cherokee Native American Genealogy

Five Civilized Tribes

In the removal records for the Native Americans, we often find the term “Five Civilized Tribes” meaning the Cherokee, Choctaws, Creeks, Seminoles and Chickasaws. Each of these tribes have records prior to, during, and after the removals. If you are tracing your ancestor to one of these five tribes, it is important to know which records apply to each. We do know that when it comes to the Cherokee and Creeks, their records can become confused as these two tribes seem to have been together at times and separate at…

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Cherokee Genealogy Research

When one suspects they have Cherokee blood in their back ground, the first thing I usually hear is that they are descendant from a Cherokee Princess. It is always interesting when I hear that since there were not any “Cherokee Princesses”. The females might have been the daughter of a chief, but that does not make them a Princess. This point aside, many do trace some part of their ancestry back to the Native Americans. Tracing Native American history involves unique approaches with a total different way of thinking. First,…

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Cherokee Civil War

Researching the Life and Times of our Ancestors

You cannot do real genealogical research until you are willing to research the life and times in which our ancestors lived. When we really understand their time and place in history, we can more fully understand their lives. Genealogy is more than just “hatch, match and dispatch” of these ancestors. Most beginners strive just to gather names and dates of events in their ancestor’s lives, but the true genealogist tries to get a glimpse of the times and places in history. The following books will give you details surrounding the…

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