Williamson County, Tennessee Biographies


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Originally published by Goodspeed Publishing in 1887, this 84-page reprint is filled with names and sketches of Williamson County pioneers and complimented by a brief history of the county.

Surnames Included In This Publication

Abston, Abernathy, Adams, Adkinson, Adkison, Adle, Akin, Akins, Alberson, Alexander, Allen, Alley, Allison, Anderson, Andres, Anthony, Anthony, Armstrong, Ashton, Atkinson, Atkison, Atwood, Auglin, Austin

Bailey, Bain, Baker, Balch, Baldwin, Baleman, Ballow, Banks, Barbee, Barham, Barley, Barnett, Barns, Barrick, Bartow, Bate, Bateman, Battle, Baughn, Baxter, Bayles, Beale, Beard, Beavert, Bedford, Beech, Bell, Bennett, Benson, Benton, Berry, Bestick, Betts, Bingham, Blackburn, Blackman, Baline, Bliss, Blythe, Boehms, Bond, Booker, Bostich, Bostick, Bowman, Boxley, Boyd, Boyles, Bradley, Bramblet, Breathitt, Brent, Briggs, Bright, Brooks, Brown, Brownlow, Bruff, Buchanan, Buckman, Buford, Buist, Bullock, Borgh, Burden, Burk, Burke, Burkley, Burner, Burnett, Burr, Burrus, Burus, Butt, Byres

Caldwell, Cameron, Camp, Campbell, Cannon, Carl, Carmichael, Carothers, Carr, Carroll, Carsey, Carson, Carter, Caruthers, Casey, Caskey, Cates, Cathey, Cator, Cattles, Cayce, Chadwell, Chambers, Champion, Chaney, Chapman, Charlton, Chatman, Cheairs, Cheatham, Children, Childress, Chriesman, Clark, Claud, Clay, Claybrook, Claybrooke, Cleburn, Cliff, Cliffe, Clifton, Clouster, Clouston, Cockett, Cockrell, Cody, Coffee, Colbert, Collett, Collins, Collinsworth, Cook, Cooke, Core, Corlett, Cotton, Couch, Cove, Cowles, Cos, Craig, Craighead, Crawford, Crenshaw, Crittenden, Crockett, Crouch, Crutcher, Culbert, Cummings, Cummins, Cunningham, Currin, Curtis

Dabney, Dade, Dailey, Dalton, Dancey, Daus, David, Davis, DeGraffenfied, DeGraffenried, Demumane, Demumbran, Demumbrane, Desheil, Dickason, Dickenson, Dickinson, Dickson, Dietrich, Ditto, Dobbins, Dobson, Dodd, Donaldson, Dooley, Doss, Dotson, Douglas, Drake, Driskill, Duff, Dunn

Early, Eaton, Eddy, Edgerton, Edmiston, Edmondson, Edmonson, Edmundson, Edmuston, Edney, Edwards, Eelbeck, Eggeston, Elliott, Evans, Ewin, Ewing

Fanning, Farmer, Fauntleroy, Ferguson, Fields, Figures, Finley, Fisher, Fitzgerald, Fitzhugh, Fleming, Flemming, Fly, Fogg, Forrest, Foster, Fountain, Fox, Frankland, Franklin, Frierson, Frost, Fullerton, Fulton, Fuqua

Gadsden, Gadsey, Gaines, Gantt, Garrett, Garrison, Gathire, Gee, Gentry, George, German, Gideon, Giles, Givens, Glass, Goff, Golden, Gooch, Gordon, Gorth, Gosey, Graham, Granbury, Grant, Graverly, Gray, Green, Greer, Griggs, Grimer, Grundy, Gurley, Guthrie

Haddox, Hadley, Haley, Hall, Ham, Hamilton, Hamlet, Hampson, Hampton, Hanks, Hanna, Hanner, Hannes, Hardeman, Harden, Hardgrave, Hardin, Hargrave, Harmon, Harness, Harney, Harris, Harrison, Hart, Hartgrove, Hartley, Haskett, Hassel, Hatcher, Hawkins, Hay, Hayes, Haynes, Hayys, Healey, Hearn, Helms, Henderson, Herndon, Herron, Henry, Hickman, Hicks, Hightower, Hildreth, Hill, Hodge, Hogan, Hoge, Holcomb, Holden, Holiway, Holland, Hollingsworth, Holt, Hood, Hooker, Hopkins, Horton, Hoskins, House, Houston, Hows, Huff, Hughes, Huley, Hulme, Hume, Humphreys, Hungarford, Hunt, Hunter, Hyeronemus

Irvin, Isacks, Ivy

Jack, Jackson, James, Jefferson, Jenkins, Jetton, Jocy, Johnson, Johnston, Joice, Jones, Jordan, Joyce, Justice

Karr, Kaufman, Kearney, Keith, Kellom, Kenneday, Kennedy, Kent, Kesley, King, Kinman, Kinnard, Kirby, Kirkpatrick, Kittreell, Kittrell

Lafayette, Lamb, Lane, Lang, Latta, Lavender, Lawrence, Laws, Lea, Leacock, Leaton, Ledbetter, Lee, Leigh, Lester, Lewis, Lillie, Lilly, Lindsey, Lister, Litton, Logan, Long, Looney, Loring, Low, Lowe, Lawry, Lytle

Madden, Magness, Mahon, Mallory, Maney, Manigault, Manley, Mann, Manning, Manns, Manny, Marable, Marthall, Martin, Mason, Massey, Matheral, Mathews, Matlock, Matthews, Maury, Mayberry, Mayfield, Mays, Meacham, Meadow, Mebane, Mebaner, Meek Menees, Meritt, Merrett, Merrill, Merritt, Mess, Metcalf, Miles, Miller, Mitchell, Moffitt, Monroe, Montgomery, Moody, Moore, Morgan, Morris, Morse, Morton, Moss, Motheral, Moxly, Munbreun, Munn, Murfree, Murray, Murrell, Murrey, Myers

McAllister, McAlpin, McCabe, McCall, McCaul, McClarion, McClary, McClish, McComico, McConan, McConnico, McCord, McCory, McCowen, McCrary, McCurdy, McCutchen, McDaniel, McDonald, McEwen, McFall, McFerrin, McGan, McGaugh, McGavack, McGavock, McGee, McGilvey, McGuire, McHenry, McIntyre, McKay, McKinney, McLain, McLellan, McLemore, McMahan, McMahon, McMannis, McMinn, McMullen, McMurray, McNish, McNutt, McPherson, McRay

Nance, Napier, Neeley, Neely, Nelson, Nevils, Nevins, Newcomb, Newsom, Nichol, Nicholson, Nolan, Nolen, North, Nunn

O’Conner, Oden, Oder, Ogilvie, Olds, Olmsted, O’Neal, Orman, Osborn, Otey, Overton, Owen, Owens

Padgett, Page, Paine, Pankey, Parham, Parish, Park, Parke, Parkes, Parks, Parrish, Paschall, Patten, Patterson, Patton, Pea, Peach, Pearce, Peay, Peck, Peel, Peeple, Peper, Perkins, Petway, Phillips, Pickard, Pierson, Pinkston, Pitt, Pointer, Poke, Polk, Pollard, Pope, Porter, Potter, Potts, Powell, Pratt, Price, Prichard, Puckett, Puett, Pugh, Puryear, Pyner


Ragland, Ragsdale, Raines, Rainey, Ralston, Ransom, Ranson, Ratcliff, Ratcliffe, Razius, Reams, Rease, Reaves, Redman, Reed, Reeves, Reid, Reynolds, Rezer, Rice, Richardson, Ridley, Ried, Riggs, Ring, Rivers, Roane, Roberts, Robertson, Robinson, Robison, Rodgers, Rogers, Rolffs, Roll, Rolston, Rosser, Rounsaville, Rowland, Royce, Rozell, Rucker, Russell, Rutherford

Saddler, Sanders, Sappington, Sawyers, Sayers, Scales, Scarcy, Schofield, Scott, Scruggs, Scurlock, Seabright, Seal, Sellers, Sevier, Shannon, Sharp, Shelton, Shepard, Sheppard, Sherwell, Short, Shute, Shy, Sikes, Simmons, Simms, Simpson, Sinclair, Skelly, Sledge, Slocum, Smith, Smithson, Sneed, Snowden, Soppington, Soule, Southall, Sparkman, Spence, Spotswood, Spratt, Sprott, Stacey, Staggs, Stanfield, Stanford, Stanley, Starnes, Stephens, Stevens, Stevenson, Stewart, Stitt, Stockett, Stone, Strahl, Steele, Street, Stringham, Stuart, Swanson, Sweeny, Sweeny, Swisher, Synnott

Talbott, Taliaferro, Talley, Tappan, Taylor, Teal, Temple, Templer, Terrell, Thomas, Thompson, Thorner, Thweatt, Timberville, Tindall, Todd, Toon, Travis, Trousdale, Truett, Tucker, Tulloss, Turner


Van Bastel, Vaughan, Vaughn, Venable, Vernon

Wade, Waggoner, Walden, Waldron, Walker, Wall, Wallace, Waller, Walters, Warren, Wartman, Washington, Watkins, Watson, Weakley, Webb, Weldon, Welhams, Wells, Westbrook, Westervelt, Wharten, Wharton, Wheeler, White, Whitfield, Whittington, Wilhoite, Wilkinson, Williams, Williamson, Wilson, Winder, Winn, Winsett, Winslow, Winstead, Witherington, Witherspoon, Woldridge, Wolman, Wood, Woodfin, Woods, Wooldridge, Wray

Yancey, Yates, Yeargin, Yerger, York, Young

Included in publication but NOT included in family sketch surnames index (above) are:

  • Names of Sheriffs & Terms in Office
  • Names of Clerks of the County Court & Terms in Office
  • Names of Clerks of the Circuit Court & Terms in Office
  • Names of Registers & Terms in Office
  • Names of Trustees & Terms in Office
  • Names of Clerks/Masters & Terms in Office