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Originally published by Goodspeed Publishing in 1887, this reprint is filled with names and sketches of Wayne County pioneers and complimented by a brief history of the county.
Acklin, Adams, Akin, Alexander, Anderson, Arrendel, Atkisson, Aydlotte
Baker, Barker, Barnett, Bateman, Bell, Belsha, Benham, Berry, Biffel, Biffle, Biven, Blackburn, Blackwood, Bladen, Blair, Bobo, Boshers, Bowdow, Boyd, Brewer, Bridges, Brine, Bromley, Brown, Bundrant, Burns, Butler
Cahal, Carr, Carroll, Carter, Chappell, Cherry, Childress, Choat, Choete, Christie, Churchwell, Clagett, Clay, Clayton, Clendenen, Clendennin, Cole, Collier, Collins, Colston, Comes, Cook, Cooper, Copeland, Cottham, Cotton, Couch, Cox, Craig, Cray, Crews, Cummings, Cunningham, Curtis, Cypert
Davasier, David, Davidson, Davis, Denning, Denny, Denton, Dickerson, Dicus, Dixon, Dodson, Doherty, Duke, Durham
Eads, East, Edwards, Elliott, English, Ensley, Evans, Evins
Felkins, Ferguson, Flatwood, Foster, Fowler, Fraley, Fulton, Fuson
Gallaher, Gambel, Gambrell, Garrett, Gibbs, Gibson, Girard, Gobbel, Grant, Graves, Greeley, Green, Greeson, Grimes, Grove, Gullick
Haggard, Hamm, Haney, Harbour, Hardin, Harrington, Harris, Harrison, Hartwell, Harvey, Hassell, Hawes, Hays, Helton, Hemphill, Henton, Hicks, Heron, Hill, Hollabaugh, Hollis, Holt, Hood, Horton, House, Howard, Hubbard, Huckaba, Hughes, Hunter, Hurst, Hurt
Jackson, Johnson, Johnston, Jones, Judd
Keaton, Kelley, Kemmens, Kemper, Kendel, Kendrick, Kindle, King, Kirwin, Kyle
Lacefield, Laird, Lee, Lemaster, Linn, Little, Littleton, Loggans, Luna, Lyon
McAnally, McCarn, McClure, McCreley, McCulley, McCullough, McDool, McDougal, McGee, McGlamery, McLean, McLemore, McWillliams
Mack, Marhon, Martin, Matthews, Mayberry, Mayfield, Meredith, Merriman, Miller, Mitchell, Montague, Montgomery, Moore, Morgan, Morris, Morrison, Morrow, Murphy, Murrell, Murtishaw
Nesbitt, Nichols, Nixon, Norman, Nowland, Nowlings, Nunley, Nutt
Page, Pavatt, Payne, Perley, Phillips, Pillow, Polk, Pollard, Pope, Porter, Priest, Provat
Rainey, Ramsey, Rankin, Raspberry, Rasbury, Ray, Rayburn, Read, Reed, Reeves, Renfrow, Renham, Reynolds, Rice, Rickets, Ricketts, Roach, Roachwell, Roah, Roberts, Robertson, Robinson, Robnett, Rose, Ross, Ruson, Russell, Rutledge
Sanders, Sanford, Schull, Scott, Selph, Shaw, Sherrell, Shields, Shipman, Shipmen, Short, Simmons, Simpson, Sims, Sinclair, Skillern, Smith, Smotherman, Songer, Spears, Spencer, Spring, Springer, Staggs, Steele, Stockard, Stockberry, Stone, Stoneball, Streight, Stribling, Stubblefield, Surrett
Taylor, Teas, Terry, Thomas, Thompson, Thrasher, Tilden, Tinnon, Tucker, Tumbo, Turman, Turnbow, Tyree
Venable, Voorhees, Voorhies
Waites, Walker, Warner, Warren, Warrington, Watson, Wayne, Welch, Wells, Wetherford, Whitaker, Whitehead, Whiteside, Whitley, Whitson, Williams, Wimberly, Wisdom, Woodard, Woods, Wright
Yaw, Young, Youngblood