Stewart County, Tennessee Biographies


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Originally published by Goodspeed Publishing in 1887, this 76-page reprint is filled with names and sketches of Stewart County pioneers and complimented by a brief history of the county.

Included in publication but NOT included in family sketch surnames index (above) are:

Names of Sheriffs & Terms in Office
Names of Clerks of the County Court & Terms in Office
Names of Clerks of the Circuit Court & Terms in Office
Names of Registers & Terms in Office
Names of Trustees & Terms in Office
Names of Clerks/Masters & Terms in Office



Abernathy, Acree, Albryghte, Alexander, Allan, Allen, Allison, Allman, Almon, Anderson, Andrews, Andrus, Armington, Armstrong, Atkins, Atkinson, Austin, Axley

Bachelor, Bagwell, Bailey, Baker, Banister, Barber, Barch, Bard, Barfield, Barker, Barnes, Barnett, Barry, Bass, Basswell, Bayliss, Beasley, Bell, Bennett, Bentley, Biggs, Bignolle, Bird, Bishop, Bitts, Blaine, Blair, Blane, Blanton, Blunt, Bogard, Bogt, Bone, Bookman, Boslon, Boswell, Boughter, Boyd, Boyt, Brach, Bradford, Bradley, Bramblett, Brandon, Brigham, Bright, Brinson, Broaddux, Brown, Brunson, Bruten, Bruton, Bryant, Buckingham, Buckner, Bufford, Bumpus, Burchain, Burgett, Burton

Caldwell, Calf, Campbell, Camper, Cannon, Carney, Carr, Carter, Cartright, Cathey, Cato, Chamber, Cheatham, Cherry, Childers, Chilton, Chisenhall, Chism, Christmas, Churchwell, Clemens, Clements, Clinton, Cobb, Coglin, Coleman, Collins, Colsom, Colson, Colston, Cook, Cooper, Coppage, Coppedge, Cordle, Cottingham, Cowan, Craddock, Craig, Crassner, Crisp, Crockarell, Crockett, Crosswell, Croswell, Crow, Curd, Curl

Daniel, Daniels, Darver, Daugherty, Davidson, Davis, Dawson, DeBerry, DeBuse, Denson, Desmond, Dickson, Dinkins, Doris, Douge, Dougherty, Downs, Drane, Dudley, Dunbar, Duncan, Dunn

Earhest, Edmonson, Elder, Elliott, Ellis, Ellison, Ellitt, English, Evans

Fagan, Fawks, Fawn, Fenner, Fentrees, Ferrell, Fisher, Fitzgerald, Fletcher, Flood, Floyd, Flutch, Folkes, Forrest, Forsette, Fortner, Foster, Francis, Frazer, Free, French, Futrel Gansner, Gardner, Garner, Garrett, Garrison, Gatlin, Gatling, Gentry, George, Gerard, Geuring, Gibson, Gilbert, Cillingham, Glasgow, Goodridge, Gorin, Graham, Grant, Gray, Greene, Greenwood, Griggs

Haggard, Hagler, Haines, Haley, Halliday, Hamilton, Hargis, Harris, Hart, Hash, Hatcher, Haynes, Hays, Henderson, Hendry, Herndon, Hester, Hewell, Hicks, Hitchcock, Hobbs, Hobing, Hobson, Hogan, Hollifed, Hooks, Hornbarger, Huflin, Huling, Hull, Humphreys, Hurd, Hutchinson, Hutchison

Ingram, Jackson, James, Jobes, Johnson, Johnston, Jones, Joslin, Joyce, Judkins, Jugg

Kay, Keel, Keeling, Kelley, Kendall, Kercheval, Killebrew, Kimble, King, Kingins, Kitt, Kng, Kyzer

Lack, Lamb, Lancaster, Landrum, Landy, Lane, Lassiter, Lawrence, Le Master, Lee, Lewis, Linch, Linsey, Linsley, Locke, Long, Louck, Lowe, Lowery, Lumsford, Lurton, Lyon

McAdams, McAuley, McAuslin, McBride, McCann, McCartney, McCaskill, McClish, McCollam, McCollum, McDougal, McGee, MeGregor, McKinney, McLemon, McMeans, McNairy, McNeese

Maddox, Magee, Mainor, Major, Mallory, Manley, Manly, Mann, Manning, Mapledoram, Marberry, Marr, Martin, Massey, Massie, Matheny, Mathews, Mathis, Matthews, May, Merony, Merrill, Metcalf, Milan, Miller, Mills, Mockbee, Mohr, Moore, Moreland, Morgan, Morris, Mountflounce, Mulligan, Murphey, Murphy

Nelson, Newberry, Nicol, Nolen, Nolin, Ogle, O’Neal, Outlaw, Overall, Overstreet

Page, Parchman, Parchmen, Parker, Parminter, Patterson, Pattison, Pearce, Pennix, Pepper, Perrill, Perry, Petty, Pew, Phillips, Piatt, Pillow, Pipkin, Polk, Powell, Powers, Price, Priestly, Puckett, Pugh, Purdue

Quarles, Ralls, Randall, Randle, Randolph, Ratliff, Raworth, Reddick, Reed, Reynolds, Rice, Richards, Riggins, Rivers, Roberts, Robertson, Roder, Rolls, Rose, Ross, Rowlett, Roy, Rumphelt, Rushing, Russell, Rutland

Sampson, Samson, Sanders, Sandier, Sargent, Satterfield, Scales, Scarborough, Scott, Searcey, Seay, Settle, Sexton, Shackelford, Shackleford, Shamwell, Sharp, Shaw, Shelton, Shemwell, Shepherd, Shryock, Sidebottom, Sikes, Sills, Simpson, Skinner, Small, Smith, Stacker, Stalls, Stansel, Stark, Steele, Steger, Sterling, Stewart, Stimbol, Stone, Stout, Stubblefield, Sumner, Swor

Tabb, Tagart, Taunt, Taylor, Teas, Templeton, Tenney, Thomas, Thompson, Thornton, Tilghman, Tillotson, Times, Tippet, Tolly, Tomlinson, Townsend, Travis, Trice, Trousdale, Tucker, Turner, Tygart, Tynor

Upland, Valch, Valentine, Vaughn, Vaulx, Vickers, Vincent, Vintreaux

Wafford, Walker, Wall, Wallace, Walter, Walters, Ward, Warden, Warford, Warnock, Washington, Watson, Watts, Weaks, Weaver, Wells, Wesley, West, Westerman, Weston, Wheatley, Wheaton, White, Whitfield, Wilcox, Wilkinson, Williams, Williamson, Wilson, Wimberly, Windom, Wisdom, Wofford, Wolf, Wood, Woods, Wright, Wyatt, Wynn, Wynns

Yarborough, Yarbrough, Yates