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In 1836, a report was submitted to Congress on land claims made by individuals residing in the State of Missouri (then known as Upper Louisiana). The majority of these claims were made by French and Spanish residents.
This publication contains an abstract of that document complimented by arguments made on behalf of those claiming a legal right to ownership AND the names of those filing claims, acreage involved, date of survey, and date of decree.
Alley, Allin, Ally, Andrews, Arnaud, Arriaga, Aubuchon, Austin
Baker, Balbridge, Balewe, Barada, Barnhart, Bartlay, Barton, Basquez, Bates, Bealles, Bealls, Easy, Beauchemin, Beauvais, Belfort, Bell, Besnard, Besse, Betanger, Billots, Bishop, Bissonet, Bizet, Blote, Bolbridge, Bolduc, Bollon, Boone, Boons, Borns, Borsy, Bourassas, Boury, Bouvet, Boyde, Bravie, Brazeau, Brazeaux, Bridge, Brown, Bryand, Bryant, Buchanan, Burget, Burn, Burnes, Burns, Burts
Calavan, Call, Callaway, Calwell, Campbell, Carico, Carondelet, Carpenter, Caulk, Cayteux, Cerre, Chaffin, Challifoux, Champlain, Chandler, Chandlers, Charboneau, Charleville, Chartran, Cheatwood, Chenie, Chevalier, Chitwood, Chouteau, Chovin, Clamorgan, Clark, Clarke, Clay, Cochran, Coen, Cole, Colman, Colvin, Comstock, Connor, Constant, Conway, Cook, Coontz, Coontze, Cordell, Cotard, Cottle, Countz, Couteau, Couzins, Cox, Crapper, Crosby, Crow, Cruzat, Cumana, Cunningham
Dandier, Darst, Davee, Davis, De La Beaume, Degerlais, Deglise, Deguary, Dehault, Dehetre, Delassus, Delaunay, Delaunni, Delisle, Deluziere, Denis, Denoyers, Derbigny, Derst, Detchemendy, Devyers, Deyerlais, Deazarlair, Didier, Diele, Dodge, Dodson, Domine, Donnely, Donnohue, Dorville, Dotson, Dowdal, Dowlin, Doyle, Drouin, Dubreuil, Dumond, Dumoulin, Duncan, Dupre, DuQuet, Dequette, Durst, Dutton, Duvall
Eads, Eastwood, Edes, Engel, Espencer, Euger, Evans, Ewens
Fallis, Farrorr, Fenwick, Ferrell, Ferry, Fincley, Fine, Fines, Finewick, Flacherty, Flamand, Flemming, Fork, Fortin, Friend
Gamache, Gamelin, Gatey, Gautier, Gayoso, Gemison, Gendron, Gerrard, Gewitt, Gillis, Godineau, Goodrich, Gordon, Graham, Gratiot, Gratiott, Green, Greenwault, Griffin, Griffith, Grimaud, Grojean, Groves, Gue, Guibourd, Guitard
Haff, Hall, Hamilton, Hancock, Handcock, Harrington, Harrison, Hart, Hawkins, Hays, Hebert, Henely, Herrington, Hetterbran, Hodges, Hoff, Hoffman, Hoice, Hol-taker, Holmes, Hone, Honore, Honslay, Hortis, Hossteller, Howard, Howel, Howell, Hubbard, Hubert, Hunaut, Hunt, Hush
Jackson, James, Janin, Janis, Jansey, Jemeson, Jeuwitt, John, Johnson, Johnston, Jonston, Josthon, Journey
Keaphart, Keller, Kerr, Kibby, Kichelie, Kindal, Kinney, Kiseler, Kyle
La Croix, La Badie, La Beaum, La Beaume, La Breche,
La Chance, La Chanse, La Croix, La Fleur, La Gotrice, La Joye, La Malice, Lamey, Lamy, Landreville, Lard, Lardoise, La Riviere, Lauriarie, Lebeaume, Leduc, Le Fevre,
Le Grand, Lemos, Len, Lens, Le Sieur, Le Trado, Lewis, Liberge, Lindell, Lindsay, Linn, Loisel, Long, Lord, Louis, Luzierre, Luzieres
McClean, McConell, McConnohoe, McCourtney, McCoy, McDonald, McKay, MacKay, McKay, JacKay, McKay, MacKay, McKay, Mackay, McKenny, McKinnon, McKinzie, McLain, McLaughlin, McMicak, McPhaul, McQuitty, Madden, Maddin, Madrid, Marchal, Marchand, Mare, Marechal, Marie, Marion, Marly, Martin, Massey, Matz, Maxwell, Meek, Meriditts, Mets, Meville, Michaux, Miller, Moitier, Montgomery, Moore, Morales, Mordock, Moreau, Morin, Moro, Morrine, Mounteauban, Mountgomery, Mullanphy, Murphy, Musick
Nache, Neal, Null, Nusam
Odom, Oliver, O’Neil, O’Reilly, Owvray
Paget, Palmer, Papin, Paquet, Park, Parket, Parks, Partenais, Partenay, Paterson, Patterson, Payan, Peck, Percely, Pere, Peyroux, Piderclan, Pidreplan, Piller, Piper, Poilierre, Poillievre, Portell, Prat, Pratte, Presse, Price, Prichard, Prieur, Primm, Primo, Provancher, Provenchere, Pyeatts
Quick, Quik
Ramsay, Ramsey, Rancontre, Rankin, Reilh, Rencontre, Richardson, Riddenhour, Ridenhour, Rigoche, Riviere, Roade, Rock, Rogers, Roi, Roussel, Roy, Russel, Rutgers, Rybolt
St. Cire, St. Cyr, St. Pierre, St. Vrain, Saintour, Samuel, Samuels, Sanguinet, Sarpy, Saucier, Saugrain, Saugrin, Scits, Scott, Smeths, Smith, Smithe, Sommalt, Soulard, Spencer, Stephen, Stephenson, Stoddard, Strickland, Strickling, Strodard, Strother, Stuard, Stuart, Sturgus, Sullens, Sydener, Symons
Tarbet, Taylor, Tayon, Thomson, Tibeaux, Tison, Tood, Tourville, Townsend, Trudeau
Valijhn, Valle, Valleys, Vamp, Van Beiber, Van Burk, Vasseur, Vaughn, Villars, Villiney
Walker, Ward, Watkins, Weiland, Westower, Wherrey, Whitley, Wichant, Wideman, Widen, Widon, Wilkinson, Williams, Wilson, Witherinton, Woodbury, Woods, Wyalte
Yosty, Young