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Originally published by Goodspeed Publishing in 1887, this reprint is filled with sketches and information on Hardin County pioneers and complimented by a brief history of the county.
Abernathy, Akin, Aldredge, Alexander, Allen, Allison, Anderson, Andrews, Ashrott, Atkins
Baker, Banks, Barham, Barlow, Barnes, Barnett, Barnhill, Barry, Basye, Bateman, Bedel, Bennett, Benton, Berry, Beuler, Bivens, Blacksheer, Blackwell, Blevins, Blount, Bluff, Bobo, Boon, Boone, Boswell, Boyd, Bradley, Bragg, Brazelton, Breckenridge, Brown, Browning, Broyles, Bruler, Bruton, Bryant, Bumpus, Burk
Cahal, Calhoun, Cantrell, Carender, Carmack, Carrington, Carter, Casey, Caufman, Cavender, Chambers, Cherry, Chissum Choat, Churchwell, Cunningham, Cleary, Clifton, Clofton, Collier, Collins, Combs, Cook, Corey, Couch, Counce, Courtney, Covey, Cox, Craven, Crews, Crossett, Crow, Crump, Cunningham, Curry
Davis, Davy, DeBerry, DeFord, Delaney, Dickerson, Dickson, Dinwiddie, Dodds, Doherty, Dollins, Dood, Doran, Doren, Duckworth, Dunn
East, Edwards, Eldridge, Emerson, English, Falkner, Falls, Farrar, Fitzgerald, Flatt, Forbes, Ford, Foreman, Fortner, Fraley, Franks, Freeman
Gammill, Gann, Gantt, Garner, Garrick, Gee, Gibbs, Gillespie, Gillis, Gipson, Gooden, Goodens, Gordon, Graham, Graves, Gray, Grisham, Grundy
Halford, Hamilton, Hanna, Hannum, Harbert, Harbour, Hardin, Hargrove, Harrey, Harris, Haskell, Hatley, Hawkins, Haynes, Hefner, Henderson, Henkle, Herring, Herrod, Hetton, Hinkle, Hipp, Hodge, Holland, Holmes, Holt, Hoover, Horton, Houston, Howard, Huddleson, Huddleston, Hudson, Hughes, Hurley, Hurst
Ice, Irvin, Irwin, James, Johnson, Johnston, Jones, Judkins, Julin
Kendal, Kendall, Kerr, Kincannon, Kindle, King, Kirby
Lacefield, Lain, Lane, Lee, Leeth, Lewter, Lilly, Long, Lovelady
McAllister, McBride, McCampbell, McClannahan, McClish, McConnells, McCown, McCracken, McDaniel, McDonald, McDougal, McGill, McGinnis, McKelvey, McKinzie, McLean, McMahan, McMahon, McMeans, McNair, McNeal
Maddox, Mahan, Maney, Mangum, Manny, Martin, Maxwell, Meek, Meeks, Middleton, Miller, Milligan, Mitchell, Moffet, Montgomery, Moore, Morris, Morrison, Morrow, Mulry
Nance, NcDaniel, Neel, Neeley, Nelly, Nevill, Newsom, Nielson, Nixon, Norwood
Owen, Paine, Palmer, Parker, Parsons, Patterson, Patton, Paulk, Paulk, Pavatt, Perkins, Perry, Peters, Phillips, Pickens, Pinkney, Pitts, Polk, Pool, Porter, Porterfield, Poston, Powell, Powers, Pratt, Pyburn
Randolph, Rawlins, Rayburn, Reynolds, Riddle, Riggs, Roach, Roberts, Robinson, Rose, Ross, Roswell, Rudd, Russell
Sanders, Sawyer, Scott, Seaman, Seaton, Sellars, Shannon, Shaw, Shelby, Shell, Shield, Shipman, Shoat, Shull, Sibley, Simpson, Skinner, Sloan, Smith, Smoot, Sneed, Sowell, Spencer Stanton, Steele, Stevenson, Stockard, Story, Street, Sumner, Sweeney
Talbot, Tarbet, Tarkington, Taylor, Thacker, Thomas, Thompson, Thornton, Tilman, Totten, Tucker, Tyler
Vermilliam, Wagenor, Waggoner, Walker, Wann, Ward, Warnal, Warren, Warrington, Wilson, Watkins, Watson, Webb, Welch, Wells, Wheeler, White, Whitlow, Wilkinson, Williams, Williamson, Winborn, Wisdom, Wood, Woodson, Worley, Wroten
Yancy, Youngblood