Giles County, Tennessee Biographies


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Originally published by Goodspeed Publishing in 1887, this reprint is filled with sketches and information on Giles County pioneers and complimented by a brief history of the county.



Abernathy, Abrams, Absalom, Acock, Adams, Alexander, Allen, Allman, Alsop, Amis, Anderson, Angus, Anthony, Armstrong, Arnett, Arrowsmith, Ars, Ashmore, Aymett

Bailey, Balch, Balentine, Ball, Ballentine, Barber, Barbour, Barnes, Barnett, Barrington, Bass, Batt, Batte, Baugh, Baxter, Baylor, Beasley, Beatty, Beaty, Beckwith, Bell, Bellantfant, Benjamin, Benson, Berry, Biffle, Birch, Black, Blackburn, Blair, Bledsoe, Blow, Blue, Blythe, Bmith, Boisseau, Booth, Bosin, Boss, Boulie, Bowen, Bowers, Boyd, Bozler, Braden, Bragg, Bramlett, Brannan, Brannon, Bray, Breckenridge, Bridwell, Brien, Briggs, Brinkle, Brook, Brooks, Brown, Browning, Brownlow, Bryant, Buchanan, Buford, Bugg, Bull, Bumpass, Burch, Burler, Butler

Cabe, Cable, Cahal, Caldwell, Callihan, Camody, Campbell, Cardwell, Carmack, Carpenter, Carr, Carter, Casey, Cavnor, Centhall, Chambers, Chambliss, Chapman, Cheairs, Cheek, Chess, Chesser, Childers, Childress, Clack, Clark, Cleveland, Coats, Cobb, Coffee, Coffman, Collier, Collins, Compton, Connor, Cook, Coombs, Copeland, Corbt, Cowan, Cowper, Cox, Craft, Craig, Crockett, Crow, Crowson, Cullom, Cunningham, Curren

Dabney, Dailey, Dale, Daly, Davenport, Davidson, Davis, Day, Dearing, Deaver, Dew, Dewey, Dickerson, Dickey, Dillahunty, Dixon, Dobbins, Dodd, Dodge, Donaldson, Donelson, Donnevan, Doren, Dougherty, Downing, Doyle, Drew, Dudley, Duncan, Dunn, Dyer

Easley, Eddins, Edmonson, Edwards, Elder, Eldridge, Eliff, Elledge, Elliff, Ellison, English, Erwin, Eubanks, Evans, Everly, Ewing, Ezell

Fallis, Faran, Farmer, Farres, Faust, Fay, Fenner, Field, Finley, Flautt, Flemming, Flinn, Flippin, Flourna, Flournoy, Fogg, Foote, Ford, Forrest, Foster, Foulks, Fowler, Franklin, Frierson, Fry, Fuller, Fussell

Garrett, Garrison, Gibbs, Gibson, Gideon, Gilbert, Giles, Girard, Glaze, Godfroy, Goff, Goldman, Gooch, Goodman, Gordon, Gough, Gracy, Graham, Grant, Graves, Gray, Greeley, Green, Griffis, Grigsby, Grimes, Guinn, Guthrie

Hagan, Haley, Hall, Hamby, Hamell, Hammond, Hampton, Hanby, Hannah, Hardiman, Harris Harrison, Hart, Harwell, Hayes, Haynes, Hays, Haywood, Hazlewood, Heindman, Heins, Held, Henderson, Herbert, Heron, Herron, Hickey, Hicks, Higenbotham, Hightower, Hobson, Hodge, Hodges, Hogan, Holden, Holly, Holman, Holt, Hood, Hooks, Hopkins, Hopson, Horwell, Howard, Hower, Hughes, Hunnicutt, Hunt, Huntsman, Hurlston, Hurst

Icter, Ingram, Inman, Inzer

Jackson, James, Jarmin, Jarnigar, Jenkins, Johns, Johnson, Johnston, Jones, Jordan, Judkins

Keenan, Kellam, Kelley, Kellum, Kelsey, Kendrick, Kennedy, Kennon, Kercheval, Kimborough, Kimbrough, Kindred, Kirk, Kirley, Knox, Kouns, Kounts, Kyle Ladd, Laird, LaFaun, Lancaster, Lazerness, Leatherman, Lee, Leeper, Legg, Lester, Lewis, Lightfoot, LIme, Lindsey, Litherman, Little, Littleton, Logwood, Long, Loring, Lowry, Lynch, Lyons

McAshley, McCabe, McCall, McCallister, McCallum, McCanless, McCaul, McCollum, McCord, McCormack, McCormick, McCrackin, McCrory, McDonald, McGrew, McGuire, McKimmen, McKissack, McKnight, McLaurine, McLemore, McMillan, McNairy, McNune, McPeters, McRoberts

Maclin, Mack, Madison, Malone, Maney, Manning, Many, Maples, Marbett, Marterson, Martin, Mason, Matthews, Maxwell, May, Mayes, Mays, Mendum, Menifee, Meredith, Miller, Millhouse, Minns, Mirh, Mitchell, Moffitt, Monday, Montford, Montgeromy, Moody, Moore, Morell, Morgan, Morrell, Morris, Morrison, Morton

Nance, Nassau, Nave, Neeley, Negley, Neil, Neiley, Nelson, Netherland, Nicholson, Norvell, Nye

O’Connor, O’Lenskey, Overstreet, Owen

Page, Paisley, Parker, Parmly, Parsons, Patrick, Paschall, Patrick Patter, Patterson, Patteson, Payne, Pearson, Peaton, Pemberton, Pendegrass, Pepper, Pepperson, Perkins, Perney, Perry, Petty, Phelps, Phillips, Pickens, Piden, Pillows, Pitts, Polk, Pollard, Poor, Porter, Potts, Powell, Price, Pryor, Pullen, Purcell, Purger, Pillow

Rackley, Ragsdale, Rainey, Rains, Rankin, Rasen, Rason, Ray, Reams, Reasonover, Rector, Reed, Reid, Reynolds, Rhae, Rhea, Rhoades, Rhodes, Richardson, Riddle, Ridenberry, Riggan, Riggs, Rivers, Roberts, Rogers, Rolland, Rose, Rosecrans, Rosenau, Ross, Rowe, Rowles, Roy, Royle, Royster, Rudd, Ruder, Ruthony, Rutledge

Sanders, Sappington, Scales, Schofield, Scott, Scruggs, Shannon, Sharon, Sharp, Shaw, Shepperd, Sherman, Shields, Shore, Short, Simmons, Simpson, Sims, Skillerm, Skillern, Sloan, Smith, Smithson, Solinsky, Spafford, Spear, Speer, Spirey, Spofford, Springer, Stacy, Stanley, Starkweather, Steele, Stephenson, Sternau, Stevenson, Stewart, Stockard, Stone, Storall, Story, Strother, Summerhill, Suttle, Sweeney, Swinnea

Talbott, Taliaferro, Tarkington, Tarpley, Tate, Tatum, Taylor, Temple, Terrill, Terry, Thomas, Thomasson, Tidwell, Tinnon, Tipton, Tod, Toland, Tooey, Toomer, Topp, Tramier, Trotter, Tucker, Turner, Tutt

Upshaw, Upshot, Vance, Vincent

Wade, Wagstaff, Walker, Walls, Ward, Washington, Waters, Watson, Webb, Weir, Wells, West, Westmoreland, Wheeler, White, Whitfield, Whitson, Wilburn, Wilkerson, Wilkes, Wilkins, Wilkinson, Williams, Williamson, Williford, Willis, Wilsford, Willis, Wilsford, Wilson, Winship, Winstead, Wisend, Witt, Woodring, Woods, Woodward, Wooten, Word, Worley, Wright

Yancy, Yerger, Yokely, Yorley, York, Young