Dickson County, Tennessee Biographies


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Originally published by Goodspeed Publishing in 1887, this reprint is filled with sketches and information on Dickson County pioneers and complimented by a brief history of the county. Surnames include:

Adams, Adkins, Alexander, Allen, Allspaugh, Andrews, Appleton, Armstrong, Arnold, Atkins, Aukney, Austin

Bailey, Baker, Baldwin, Balthrop, Barnes, Bartee, Bates, Batson, Baster, Bear, Beard, Beck, Beckman, Beem, Bell, Berringer, Berry, Bibb, Bibbs, Biddle, Binkley, Bird, Bishop, Blackburn, Blanks, Bollen, Borran, Bothrop, Bowan, Bowen, Bowers, Boxter, Boyt, Brasier, Bray, Brewer, Brien, Broaddus, Brown, Bruce, Bryan, Bufrange, Buquo, Burns, Burton

Cagle, Cahal, Caldwell, Campbell, Carmack, Carr, Carrin, Carson, Carver, Castleman, Cayce, Chaney, Charlton, Chase, Christian, Clark, Clarke, Clay, Clemments,
Cochran, Doen, Coleman, Colleir, Collier, Collins, Corbin, Cording, Corlew, Cox, Craft, Crawford, Croft, Crumpler, Crutcher, Cunningham, Curtis

Daniel, Daniels, Darwin, Daugherty, Davidson, Davis, DeLoach, Dickson, Dilleha, Doak, Dobson, Dodson, Donegan, Donelson, Donnegan, Donnehue, Donrad, Dortch, Douglas, Dowden, Dowing, Drake, Dudley, Dugan, Dull, Dunning

Easley, Eason, Edwards, Elder, Eleazer, Eleazor, Elliott, Ellis, Elridge, England, Etherage, Eubank, Eubanks, Ewing

Fannel, Farley, Farrar, Farrer, Fentress, Ferbee, Ferfee, Ferrell, Ferrill, Fessey, Finley, Frasier, Frazier, Freeman, Frey, Frierson, Fussel

Gallighy, Garay, Gardner, Garner, Gentry, George, Giffin, Gilbert, Gillam, Gilmore, Goan, Gordon, Grace, Graham, Gray, Green, Griffin, Grigsby, Grimes, Gunkle, Gunn

Hagie, Hall, Hamilton, Hand, Hanks, Hardine, Harding, Hardwick, Harper, Harris, Hartly, Harvey, Hassell, Haywood, Heath, Hendrick, Hendricks, Hendricks, Hendrickson, Henslee, Hickerson, Hicks, Higgs, Hightower, Hill, Hillyard, Hogan, Hogg, Hogin, Hogins, Holland, Holt, Hood, Hooper, Hopkins, Houston, Hudgins, Humphreys, Hunt, Hunter, Hutchen, Hutson, Hutton, Hyde

Jackson, James, Johnson, Johnston, Jones, Jordon, Joslin, Justice

Kelley, Kemp, Kerr, King, Kirk, Kirwine

Laftis, Laird, Lambert, Lanier, Larkins, Leach, Leesh, Leigh, LeMasters, Lenox, Lincoln, Lindsey, Linke, Lipe, Livingston, Lloyd, Loggins, Long, Lovell, Lowe, Lucas, Lugg, Luther, Luttrel

McAdoo, McCampbell, McCaslin, McCreary, McDaniel, McFarland, McGraw, McGuiggin, McKnight, McMahan, McMeans, McMillan, McMurry, McNary, NcNeiley, McNeilly, McQuary, McWilliams

Magraw, Major, Mallory, Malroy, Malton, Marlow, Martin, Massie, Mathis, Matlock, Matthews, May, Mayes, Micks, Miller, Milligan, Minor, Mitchell, Monroe, Montgomery, Moodey, Moody, Moore, Moran, Morris, Morton, Murrell, Myatt

Nagley, Napier, Neiley, Nesbitt, Newson, Niblack, Nichols, Nicholson, Nicks, Nixon, Nopp, Norris, Nosworthy

Overton, Owens

Pannell, Paratt, Pardue, Parker, Parrish, Paschall, Pavatt, Peacock, Pearsall, Penticost, Pepper, Perry, Peters, Petty, Phillips, Phipps, Pickett, Pickler, Pinson, Piskett, Pollard, Polley, Porter, Prather, Price, Priestley, Priestly, Pullen

Quarles, Ragan, Randolph, Read, Reed, Reeves, Reynolds, Rice, Richardson, Rickert, Riser, Roberts, Robertson, Rose, Ross, Roth, Rucker, Runland, Russell, Rye

Schmitton, Schoenfeld, Scott, Scroggins, Seals, Sellers, Shaw, Shawl, Shelby, Sherman, Shropshire, Simpson, Sizemore, Slayden, Slaydon, Sligh, Smith, Snowden, Southerland, Speight, Spencer, Spicer, Spradlin, Stakes, Steel, Stewart, Still, Stington, Stone, Stork, Street, Strong, Sugg, Swift, Sylvis

Tally, Talum, Tate, Tatom, Tatum, Taylor, Teal, Teas, Techont, Thedford, Thomas, Thompson, Thoruss, Tidwell, Tilley, Tribble, Trotter, Troublefield, Truby, Tubbs, Turner, Tynell

Vanlier, Von Schmittau, Voorhies

Wade, Wakins, Walker, Wall, Ward, Warway, Watkins, Waugh, Weakley, Weems, Welsh, Wert, West, White, Whitthorne, Willey, Williams, Winstead, Wisdom, Wlliott, Woodard, Woods, Woodward, Wyatt, Wylie, Wyly

Young, Zollicoffer