Crockett County, Tennessee Biographies


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Originally printed by Goodspeed in 1887, this publication contains names and sketches of Crockett County pioneers and complimented by a history of the county.

Included in publication but NOT included in family sketch surnames index (below) are:

  • Names of Sheriffs & Terms in Office
  • Names of Clerks of the County Court & Terms in Office
  • Names of Clerks of the Circuit Court & Terms in Office
  • Names of Registers & Terms in Office
  • Names of Trustees & Terms in Office

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Adams, Agee, Albritton, Alexander, Allbritton, Allen, Alsobrook, Anderson, Andrews, Antwine, Armes, Aspray, Austin, Avery

Bass, Batchelor, Batte, Beasley, Bell, Bennett, Berry, Best, Bettis, Biggs, Black, Bond, Booth, Boulch, Bowen, Bowers, Bowles, Bowling, Bowlton, Boyd, Boykin, Branch, Brandenburg, Brewer, Brigance, Brogdon, Brooks, Brown, Brummett, Buchanan, Buck, Buckley, Burgess, Burnett, Burns, Butler, Byers

Cage, Carter, Carthel, Caruthers, Casey, Cates, Cavinall, Cavness, Chandler, Chapman, Chieves, Clancy, Clark, Clay, Claybrooks, Cloy, Coaltrain, Cochran, Coffman, Coleman, Coletine, Collingsworth, Cook, Cooke, Coop, Cooper, Corhous, Cornatzer, Cousins, Cox, Craddock, Craig, Crichlow, Crisp, Critchelew, Crockett, Curry, Curtis

Daniel, Davis, Dean, Dickinson, Dickson, Dixon, Dodd, Duffer, Duffeys, Dungan, Dunlap, Dyer

Easom, Eason, Edmundson, Edwards, Ellington, Elliott, Emison, Epperson, Evans

Farmer, Farron, Farrow, Felts, Feltz, Ferguson, Fielder, Fisher, Fitts, Fitzpatrick, Fleming, Ford, Fort, Forrest, Fouche, Fouchee, Fullalore

Gibbons, Gillespie, Gleaves, Goodloe, Goodwin, Grady, Graham, Green, Gregory, Griffin

Hall, Hamlett, Harbor, Hardison, Hardy, Harmon, Harper, Harpole, Harrell, Harris, Harwell, Hathaway, Hawkins, Hay, Hendricks, Herndon, Hess, Hicks, Hill, Hinton, Hobson, Holden, Hope, Hopkins, Horine, Horrall, Hughes, Humphreys, Hunt, Hunter, Hureley


Jacks, Jackson, James, Jeles, Jelks, Jelton, Jenkins, Jennings, Jerman, Jitton, Johnson, Jones, Jork

Kail, Kavanaugh, Kener, Kennedy, Killebrew, King, Kirkpatrick, Klyce, Koonce

Lambert, Lanier, Lawrence, Lay, Leath, Lewis, Locke, Long, Love, Lovelace, Lucas, Lumsden, Lyle, Lyon

McCane, McClary, McDonald, McFarland, McFarlin, McGowan, McHenry, McKinney, McLean, McLeary, McLemore, McMahon

Maclin, Mahan, Mahon, Manning, Martin, Mason, Mass, Matthews, Mattus, May, Mayfield, Mayo, Medlin, Midyett, Miller, Montague, Montgomery, Moody, Moore, Morris, Moss, Murchison

Nance, Nealey, Neiman, Nelson, Nichols, Noel, Noll, Norville, Nun, Nunn

O’Conner, Odle, Oldham, Oliver, Osborne

Paris, Parker, Parks, Parsons, Patterson, Payne, Peal, Pearson, Perry, Pierson, Poindexter, Polk, Poston, Powell


Raines, Reams, Reed, Rees, Reeves, Rice, Richardson, Ripley, Rivers, Roberson, Roberts, Robertson, Robinson, Rooen, Rooker, Rory, Roseman, Routzahn, Ruffin

Sanders, Schichtl, Sewell, Sharp, Sharron, Shaw, Sherod, Sherrod, Shivers, Sias, Simmons, Simms, Sims, Sinclair, Skelton, Skiffington, Smith, Smothers, Somers, Spence, Spencer, Stallings, Stamps, Stewart, Stilly, Strang, Sullivan, Swift, Swiggard

Tatum, Taylor, Thomas, Thompson, Tinder, Tipkin, Tucker, Turner, Turpin, Tweatt, Tweedy

Vail, Vaugh, Vernon, Vick

Walker, Wallace, Waller, Ward, Warren, Watkins, Webb, Wells, Whitaker, White, Whittaker, Wilkins, Wilkinson, Williams, Wilson, Windburn, Windman, Wood, World, Wortham, Sylie, Wynn, Wyse

Yauree, Young