Coffee County, Tennessee Biographies


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Originally printed in 1887 by Goodspeed, this 56-page, 8.5″ x 11″ oversized reprint is crammed with names and sketches of Coffee County pioneers and complimented by a history of the county.

Included in publication but NOT included in family sketch surnames index (below) are:

  • Names of Sheriffs & Terms in Office
  • Names of Clerks of the County Court & Terms in Office
  • Names of Clerks of the Circuit Court & Terms in Office
  • Names of Registers & Terms in Office
  • Names of Trustees & Terms in Office

Surnames Included In This Publication

Adams, Adcock, Adrian, Alexander, Allen, Allison, Alwood, Anderson, Angel, Arnold, Arrington, Ashley, Astlay, Austell, Aydelott

Bailett, Baker, Baldridge, Banks, Barnes, Barton, Bashan, Bashaw, Bateman, Baxter, Bean, Beard, Bell, Bennett, Berry, Bixey, Blackburn, Blackman, Blackwell, Blair, Blake, Blakely, Blakemore, Blankenship, Blanton, Blood, Blythe, Bobo, Booth, Bowden, Boyd, Bradley, Bradshaw, Bragg, Brandon, Brantley, Brantly, Brawley, Brewer, Brixey, Brown, Bryant, Buckaloo, Buckner, Burger, Burgie, Burham, Burke, Burnham, Burton, Busby, Butler, Butterworth

Call, Camden, Campbell, Carden, Carnes, Carney, Carroll, Carter, Casey, Castleman, Cate, Chandler, Charles, Cherry, Childress, Chilton, Clardy, Clark, Clay, Cleveland, Clift, Collins, Colston, Colwell, Colyer, Conley, Conwell, Cook, Corder, Corey, Cortner, Couch, Cowan, Cox, Crane, Crocker, Crockett, Cross, Cunnegan, Cunningham

Daniel, Daniels, Darnell, Darwin, Davidson, Davis, Deakins, Deckerd, DeCorzelius, Dewey, Dillard, Donnell, Douglass, Downey, Drake, Duncan, Dunlap

Edwards, Elan, Emack, Emerson, Emmerson, Enoch, Ensey, Eoff, Epley, Ervin, Estill, Evans, Ewell

Fain, Fariss, Farras, Farren, Farris, Farriss, Faulkner, Ferguson, Ferrill, Fisher, Fletcher, Flipp, Flippo, Franch, Frazier, French, Fulton

Gannaway, Gardner, Garrett, Gentry, Georg, Gibson, Gilbert, Givan, Good, Goodlow, Goodner, Gossett, Bowan, Graft, Graham, Grandberry, Grant, Grass, Gray, Green, Grimer, Grizzard, Gross, Gunn, Gurley

Haggard, Hale, Haley, Hampton, Hancock, Hanford, Harper, Harpole, Harris, Hart, Haynes, Heathcock, Hepp, Henry, Herald, Herriford, Hickerson, Hicks, Hickerson, Higgins, Hiles, Hinkle, Hodge, Hodgkins, Hogan, Holland, Hollander, Holman, Holmes, Holt, Hough, Howard, Huffain, Huffar, Huffer, Huggins, Hunt

Ingle, Irwin, Isabell, Isbell

Jackson, Jacobs, Jenkins, Jernigan, Johnson, Jones

Keel, Keeling, Kennerly, Key

Lackey, Lambert, LaSater, Lawrence, Lawson, Layne, Leichleucher, Lewis, Lochmiller, Lowery, Lunley, Lusk, Lyon

McBee, McBride, McBrown, McCreary, McCrury, McCutcheon, McCutcheon, McDonald, McFaddin, McGinn, McGrew, McGuire, McLain, McLean, McLemore, McMirtle, McQuillin

Manchester, Mankin, Marby, Marbury, Marcell, Marchbanks, Marks, Marshall, Mason, Martin, Maxwell, May, Maynard, Mead, Meadows, Miller, Mitchell, Mohler, Monger, Montgomery, Moore, Morgan, Morton, Moulton, Murry

Neal, Needham, Nelson, Noah, Norton

Ohlemacher, Oldfield, Oliver, O’Neal, Owens

Parker, Patterson, Patton, Pearson, Penn, Phillips, Pittman, Polk, Powell, Powers, Price, Prier


Ragon, Ragsdale, Rains, Rainwater, Ramsey, Rathbone, Rayburn, Ready, Reynolds, Rhoades, Rhodes, Richards, Richardson, Ridley, Rivers, Roach, Roberts, Robertson, Robinson, Rollin, Rooth, Rosborough, Rosco, Rosecrans, Ross, Roughton, Rudd, Russell, Rutherford, Ruthledge

Sain, Schroeder, Scott, Seay, Seitz, Shake, Sheafe, Sheid, Sherrill, Short, Shroder, Simms, Simpson, Sims, Sloan, Smallman, Smartt, Smith, Stafford, Staley, Steagall, Steele, Stephen, Stephens, Stephenson, Stevens, Stone, Street, Strong, Stroud, Strowd, Stubblefield, Stump, Sutton

Taylor, Temple, Thacker, Thomas, Thompson, Tillman, Timmins, Timmons, Todd, Toliver, Tolliver, Townsend, Travis, Troost, Troxler, Turner


Vannoy, Vincent

Wafford, Waggoneer, Wagoner, Wait, Walden, Walker, Wallace, Walling, Walt, Ward, Watterson, Weaver, Webster, Wells, Whitaker, White, Whiteman, Whitesides, Whitson, Whitworth, Wiggins, Wildman, Wilkinson, Williams, Willis, Wilson, Winton, Witherby, Womack, Wood, Woodard, Woods, Wooten, Wooton, Wright, Wyatt

Yates, Yell
