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Originally published by Goodspeed in 1887, this reprint contains names and sketches of Carroll County pioneers and complimented by a history of the county.
Included in publication but NOT included in family sketch surnames index (below) are:
- Names of Sheriffs & Terms in Office
- Names of Clerks of the County Court & Terms in Office
- Names of Clerks of the Circuit Court & Terms in Office
- Names of Registers & Terms in Office
- Names of Trustees & Terms in Office
Adams, Algea, Algee, Allen, Anderson, Arnold, Aspy, Avery
Baker, Balmforth, Banks, Barecroft, Barker, Bate, Beckerdite, Belew, Bell, Benton, Bethel, Bigham, Black, Blair, Blanchard, Bledsoe, Bolton, Bount, Bomac, Bone, Bowen, Boyd, Bradford, Brady, Bramley, Brewer, Briant, Bridges, Brigham, Britt, Brooks, Brothers, Brown, Brownlow, Bruce, Bryant, BullardBunch, Bunn, Burradelle, Burrow, Busey, Butler, Byers
Cage, Canon, Cardwell, Carnal, Carroll, Carson, Carter, Cashon, Chalmers, Chambers, Chappell, Chements, Churchwell, Clark, Clay, Clendening, Cockrill, Cole, Connell, Cook, Cooper, Coulter, Cox, Crider, Crittendon, Crockett, Crossett, Cunningham, Curtis
Dalton, Davis, Dawson, DeMoss, Denman, Denney, Dickens, Dickey, Dickson, Dill, Dinwiddie, Dixon, Dougherty, Driver, Dudley, Dumas, Dunn
Eason, Edwards, Enloe, Enoch, Etheridge, Everett
Falker, Falkner, Farmer, Felt, Fentress, Ferrell, Fields, Finley, Forrest, Fox, Freeman, Fuqua
Gains, Galbreath, Gardner, Garfield, Garrett, Gates, Gee, Gibbs, Gilbert, Giles, Gillespie, Gooch, Goodloe, Graves, Gray, Green, Grizzard, Guin, Gwin
Hall, Hamilton, Hampton, Hanna, Harris, Harrison, Hart, Harvey, Harwood, Haskell, Hastings, Hawkins, Henderson, Hendricks, Hern, Hill, Hilliard, Hillsman, Hogg, Holaday, Holladay, Honnell, Horton, Howard, Hubbard, Hughes, Humble, Hunt, Hurt
Ingman, Ingram, Irby, Jackson, James, Jamison, Jennings, Johnson, Jones, Jordan, Keaton, Kelough, Key, Kilmer, King, Komez, Kyle
Lashlie, Latimer, Lawhon, Lawhorn, Laws, Leach, Lee, Lehon, Lightfoot, Liles, Lipe, Longmire, Looney, Love
McBride, McCall, McCampbell, McCauley, McClary, McCollum, McCorkle, McCorry, McCracken, McDonald, McDowell, McEwen, McGill, McIver, McKee, McKelvy, McKenzie, McKernan, McKinney, McLemore, McMackin, McMeans, McNeal, McNeill, McNutt, McVale
Manning, Marshall, Martin, Maury, Mebane, Milam, Miller, Mills, Mitchell, Moore, Morgan, Murray, Myrick
Neely, Nesbit, New, Newsom, Nicholson, Noell, Norman
Oliver, Ott, Ownsby
Palmer, Parker, Parsons, Parvatt, Pasture, Pate, Patton, Pavatt, Payne, Peacock, Peeples, Perry, Philips, Phillips, Pierce, Pinson, Polk, Porter, Priest, Priestley, Prince, Pritchard, Propst, Province
Quin, Raines, Ralston, Ralstone, Ramsey, Randle, Rankin, Reed, Reid, Richardson, Ridgeley, Ridgley, Ridley, Roach, Robert, Roberts, Robertson, Robinson, Robison, Rodgers, Rogers, Rose, Ross, Rosser, Ruff, Russell, Rust
Sanders, Scallion, Scott, Sears, Sellars, Sessams, Sevier, Seymour, Sherrill, Shields, Shoffner, Simmons, Sims, Sloan, Smith, Snell, Somers, Southerland, Stephens, Stockard, Stoddart, Stofle, Stone, Strange, Swinney
Taylor, Teachout, Thomas, Thompson, Threadgill, Tilden, Tiner, Todd, Tolerson, Tosh, Totten, Totton, Townes, Travis, Tucker
Ury, Utley, Valentine, Vandiver
Wilburn, Walker, Walters, Ward, Warren, Waterfield, Watson, Weake, Wear, Webb, Wheelis, White, Wilburn, Wilder, Wiley, Williams, Williamson, Wilson, Wingo, Winfrey, Winn, Wood, Woods, Wormack, Wright