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A virtual who’s – who of pioneer Caldwell County, this reprint contains sketches and history originally published in:
a. The History of Kentucky, by Lewis Colins, published 1882 or
b. Kentucky: A History of The State, by W.H. Perrin, J.H. Battle & G.C. Kniffin, published 1885.
These two books set the standard for Kentucky history and pioneer biographies.
Acree, Adams, Adamson, Allen, Allison, Anderson, Armstrong, Arnold
Baker, Barnard, Bell, Bennett, Bentley, Bigby, Biggs, Bird, Bivens, Black, Blacklock, Blanton, Blue, Bond, Boyd, Bradley, Breckinridge, Brelsford, Bridges, Brooks, Brown, Brownell, Buell, Bugg, Bumpass, Burnett, Bush, Butler, Byrd
Camden, Cameron, Camp, Cantrell, Cantwell, Carrington, Carter, Catnach, Chambers, Champion, Cherry, Church, Clark, Clifford, Cobb, Collier, Cook, Cooksey, Crabb, Cravens, Crews, Crider, Crowder, Cruce
Dabney, Dalton, Daniells, Darby, Davidson, Davis, Dobson, Dollar, Dorroh, Dorsey, Dow, Dudley, Duer, Dunham, Dunning, Duvall
Easly, Edmunds, Edwards
Fabrigue, Farrow, Finney, Ford, Foster, Francis, French
Gardner, Garner, Garrett, George, Gibbs, Glenn, Godfrey, Goodwin, Graham, Gray, Green, Greenville, Griffin, Griffith, Groom, Gross, Gude
Halloway, Hammond, Harper, Harris, Harrison, Hart, Hartman, Hawthorn, Henry, Herris, Hewlett, Hill, Hillard, Hodge, Hollingsworth, Hollowell, Holsapple, Holt, Hoover, Hopson, Howard, Hughes, Humphrey, Hunter, Husbands
Jacobs, James, Jenkins, Johnson, Jones
Keny, Kevil, King, Kirkpatrick
LaFoon, Lander, Lane, Lapradd, Leavill, Lee, Leech, Lester, Lewis, Lindsay, Littlefield, Longwell, Lowey, Lowry, Loyd
Marble, Marr, Marshall, Martin, Matlock, Maxwell, Mayes, Meade, Melville, Mill, Miller, Milliken, Mitchell, Mitcheson, Mitchusson, Morgan, Morris, Morrow, Mott, Murrell
McCarroll, McChesney, McClellan, McConnell, McCool, McDowell, McElfatrick, McGoodwin, McGowan, McKee, McNairy
Nesbit, Nix, Noble
Ordway, Orr
Parker, Parr, Pasteur, Peden, Pepper, Peters, Pettit, Phelps, Pickering, Pollard, Pool, Powell, Pullen
Quisenberry, Quisenbery
Randolph, Ratcliffe, Raymond, Reed, Reynolds, Rice, Richardson, Rochester, Rorer, Rucker, Rynerson
Samuels, Satterfield, Savage, Scott, Self, Sheridan, Simcox, Sims, Smith, Snelling, Snyder, Spratt, Stephens, Stewart, Stokes, Stone, Street
Teear, Thayer, Thompson, Threlkeld, Thurmond, Tovrea, Tull, Tyler
Wadlington, Walden, Walker, Wall, Walton, Warren, Watkins, Watson, Webber, Weldon, Whitehead, Whitnell, Wigginton, Wiley, Wilson, Wing, Worden, Wormelsduff, Wyatt, Wylie
Yates, Young