Ballard County Kentucky History and Biographies


Downloadable PDF file, Lewis Collins and W. H. Perrins, Soft Cover, First Edition, 2002, Full Name Index, 8 1/2 x 11, 82 pages

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A virtual “who’s – who” of pioneer Allen County, this reprint contains
sketches and history originally published in:

a. The History of Kentucky, by Lewis Colins, published 1882 or
b. Kentucky: A History of The State, by W.H. Perrin, J.H. Battle & G.C. Kniffin, published 1885.

These two books set the standard for Kentucky history and pioneer biographies.





Adams, Addams, Alcock, Alexander, Allen, Anderson, Armstrong, Ashbrook, Ashley, Atherton, Avery

Bailey, Ballard, Barnes, Barnum, Bartell, Bates, Batts, Beadles, Beck, Beckwith, Beech, Beeler, Belisle, Belt, Berry, Bigger, Bigges, Biggs, Billington, Birkhead, Bishop, Black, Blanks, Bodkin, Boland, Bond, Bondurant, Boren, Boswell, Bowman, Bradley, Bradly, Bradshaw, Bragg, Brame, Breckinridge, Brinford, Browder, Brown, Buchanan, Buckley, Bugg, Bullitt, Bullock, Butler, Byrne

Camp, Campbell, Carns, Carr, Cary, Cave, Chappell Chenault, Childress, Choate, Clampett, Clapp, Clark, Clay, Clousel, Cockrill, Coffee, Coil, Conley, Cooper, Copeland, Corbett, Courtney, Crafton, Crarry, Crawford, Crenshaw, Crews, Crice, Crite, Cross, Crossland, Crouch, Culver, Curry, Curtsinger

Dake, Davidson, Davis, Dean, Dennis, Desha, Dickinson, Dodge, Doolin, Douglas, Dudley, Duncan, Dupoyster, Dupress, Dycus, Dyer, Dyson

Earnhardt, Echols, Edes, Edrington, Edward, Edwards, Elsey, England, Erwin, Evans, Ezell

Faulkner, Ferguson, Field, Fisher, Flack, Flint, Ford, Foree, Fork, Forrest, Fort, Fortson, France, Frank, Fraser, Frech, Ferguson, Futrell

Gaddie, Gannaway, Garfield, Garner, Garnett, Garrett, George, Gholson, Gibson, Gilbreath, Giles, Gillem, Gillespie, Glenn, Goldoon, Goldson, Goodwin, Gray, Greeley, Greene, Greenup, Gregory, Grundy, Gupton

Haggard, Hall, Halsell, Halterman, Hamilton, Hammond, Hardey, Hardin, Hardy, Harkless, Harp, Harrelson, Harris, Harrison, Hart, Haws, Hawthorn, Hayes, Haygood, Hays, Hazard, Headdy, Hearn, Heath, Henderson, Hevrin, Higby, Hill, Hineman, Hines, Hinkle, Hinshey, Hobbs, Hocker, Hogg, Holder, Holman, Holmes, Holt, Hooton, Hopson, Horn, Horr, Horrell, Hotchkiss, Hovey, Howell, Howle, Hudnall, Hughes, Hughs, Humphrey, Hunt, Husbands, Hutson


Jackson, James, Jefferson, Jenkins, Jerrell, Johnson, Johnston, Jolly, Jones, Juett

Keen, Kelly, Kennedy, Kilebrew, Kirkpatrick, Knight, Kuykendall

Lacy, Lambert, Lane, Lee, Lewis, Ley, Linderman, Linthicum, Logan, Loring, Lovelace, Lynch, Lynn

McCawley, McColphin, McColpin, McConnell, McCullach, McCutchen, McDade, MCDannel, McDonald, McIntosh, McKinney, McLean, McLeod

Mabry, Magruder, Malory, Maner, Manion, Manor, Mantle, Marion, Marshall, Martin, Massie, Medley, Melton, Mercer, Meriwether, Milburn, Miller, Moore, Morgan, Morris, Morrow, Mosby, Moses, Moss, Mott, Murphy

Nance, Nave, Nealey, Neely, Neville, New, Newman, Nichols, Northington

Oakley, O’Doniley, O’Donley, Ogden, Oglesby, Okra, Oldham, Ord, Overstreet, Owen, Owens, Owings

Pagon, Paige, Parker, Parkham, Parrott, Paul, Payne, Peck, Pendleton, Penn, Pennybocker, Perkins, Petticord, Pettit, Peyton, Phillips, Piggot, Pile, Pinson, Polk, Pollock, Porter, Potter, Price, Puckett, Purcell

Ragland, Ramay, Ramsey, Rasco, Rawlins, Ray, Read, Reddick, Redferrin, Reed, Reese, Reeves, Reid, Rice, Rich, Richards, Richardson, Richmond, Riley, Roark, Roberts, Robinson, Rodman, Rollings, Ross, Rudolph, Rush, Rust, Rutherford

Sams, Sanford, Saunders, Saury, Scott, Seay, Senter, Settle, Seymour, Shelbourne, Shelby, Shelton, Sherman, Shrader, Simmons, Simms, Simpson, Skaggs, Slaughter, Smith, Spoller, Stahl, Stanley, Stephens, Stevenson, Stienbeck, Stone, Stovall, Stoveall, Stratton, Strowbridge, Sublett, Sullenger, Sullivan, Summers, Sumner, Swearingen

Talbot, Tankersly, Taylor, Teel, Terrell, Terry, Texas, Thomas, Thompson, Thurman, Tibble, Tilden, Tilghman, Tisdall, Todd, Townly, Trainnum, Trevanthan, Trewolla, Trice, Turk, Turner, Turney, Tyer, Tyler

Ulrich, Upshaw, Utterback

Vallis, Van Dorn, Vance, Vaughan, Vaughn, Veech, Vester, Violet, Violett

Wageworth, Wakefield, Waldren, Wales, Walker, Walsh, Walton, Warden, Ware, Watson, Watwood, Weaver, Webb, Wells, Weston, Whitaker, White, Whiteside, Wickliffe, Wilds, Wiley, Wilkinson, Williams, Willingham, Wills, Wilson, Wingo, Winn, Winter, Winthrop, Wood, Woolfolk, Wray, Wyatt, Wynn

Yandell, Young