Anderson County, Tennessee Biographies


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Originally published in 1886 by Goodspeed, this publication is filled with names and sketches of Anderson County pioneers and complimented by a history of the county.

Included in publication but NOT included in family sketch surnames index (below) are:

  • Names of Sheriffs and Terms in Office
  • Names of Clerks of the County Court and Terms in Office
  • Names of Clerks of the Circuit Court and Terms in Office
  • Names of Registers and Terms in Office
  • Names of Trustees and Terms in Office


Abbott, Acuff, Adkins, Alexander, Alice, Anderson, Arnold

Baker, Barton, Bumgartner, Bennett, Bittle, Black, Blackburn, Bogle, Boren, Bowling, Bowman, Boyd, Bradley, Brandau, Brazleton, Briton, Brown, Broyles, Burton, Butler

Caldwell, Carden, Cardin, Carnes, Carns, Carpenter, Carter, Chapman, Chiles, Chumbley, Clear, Clodfelter, Cobb, Coward, Cox, Crawford, Crawley, Cross, Crouch, Crozier, Cullom

Dail, Davis, Day, Denham, Dew, Dickson, Doak, Dossett, Doughty, Duncan

Early, Edwards

Farmer, Fowler, Freeles, Freels, Frost

Galbraith, Gallaher, Gamble, Garner, Gerding, Gibbs, Gibson, Glasgow, Grant, Grayson, Griffey, Griffin

Hall, Hannah, Harbin, Hardin, Harrell, Hart, Hays, Heard, Heck, Heiskell, Hicks, Hill, Hogshead, Hollingsworth, Hornsby, Hoskins, Houk, Huffaker, Husbands


Jack, Jarnagin, Jefrey, Jennings, Johnson, Johnston

Keebler, Key, King, Kington, Kinkaid, Kirby, Kirkpatrick

Lamar, Lea, Leach, Leake, Leath, Leib, Leinert, Linville, Lisles, Llewellyn, Lones, Longmire, Lowe, Lucky

McAdoo, McCallum, McCarsey, McCook, McCowan, McFarlen, McFerrin, McKamy, McWhirter

Markim, Marshall, Massingale, Maynard, Medaris, Medlin, Mehan, Miller, Montgomery, Moore, Morris, Morton, Moss

Narcross, Nash, Nelson, Noel, Norcross

Oliver, Overton, Owen

Parker, Parks, Peak, Pemberton, Peoples, Petree, Portswood, Price, Prosise


Reed, Reese, Richard, Robbins, Roberts, Robertson, Rodgers, Ross, Rowe, Roysden, Russell, Rutherford

Sawyer, Scruggs, Sharp, Shinlirer, Shipe, Silvertooth, Sinclair, Slagle, Slover, Smith, Standifer, Staples, Stewart, Straighter, Sullins, Sutherland

Tadlock Tate, Taylor, Temple, Terry, Thomas, Trewhitt, Tunnel, Tunnell

Underwood, Ussery

Vaney, Vaughn, Vestal, Vickery, Vowel

Walker, Wallace, Waler, Wannamaker, Warwick, Weaver, Whaley, White, Whitson, Wiley, Willhight, Williams, Wilson, Wodson, Worthington

Yaden, Young