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This unique publication ties the ten (10) “districts” of Marion County with tax
listings from 1836, 1837, 1838, or 1839. By matching the tax list with the
“District Map,” a researcher can narrow the search for ancestors, eliminate
those of similar names, and place ancestors in place and time.
For instance … the town of “WHATEVER” is in District #12. Knowing this information
allows a researcher to pinpoint cemeteries, churches, or surnames. The tax lists have
been compiled from microfilm and are as faithful as possible to original spellings.
A ‘must-have’ for Marion County researchers.
* After the surname indicates over 5 DIFFERENT first names are listed under the surname.
** After the surname indicates over 10 DIFFERENT first names are listed under the surname.
Adams, Agee, Ahl, Allen, Alley, Allison, Anders, Anderson**, Ashburn, Asher,
Atkinson, Austin, Ayres
Baker*, Ball, Ballard, Barbee, Barker, Barney, Basham, Baumgard, Been, Beene, Bell,
Belsher, Bennett, Benyard, Berry, Bible*, Blevins, Blythe, Bolin, Bowman, Boyd*,
Bradford, Brannon, Branson, Brantty, Branum, Bridges, Bridgman, Brimer, Brock,
Brook, Broumley, Brown*, Brumley, Bryant, Bryson, Buckner, Bunch, Burgess,
Burkhalter, Burnett, Burns, Burrows, Butler, Butner, Byars, Byrne
Cagle, Cain, Caldwell, Camp, Cannon, Carless, Carlock, Carlston, Carlton,
Carmack, Carnater, Carnatzer, Carrall, Caststeel, Caugham, Caulls, Caulston,
Caulter, Cawood, Chambers, Champion, Chaudoin, Cheek, Chick, Chitty, Choat,
Christian, Clark, Clement, Cloud, Clouse, Coffee, Coffelt, Colston, Condra, Conn,
Cooper, Coppinger, Cotshir, Cowan, Cox, Craig, Crary, Crouch, Cumming,
Dame, Davenport, Davis**, Day, Deakins, Deaton, Delaney, Delany, Denny, Dixon,
Dockery, Dodson, Doherty, Dorin, Dorough, Dover, Drain, Drinnon, Dudley,
Duke, Durham, Dych
Ealy, Eapes, Earle, Easterly*, Edging, Edmunson, Elliott, Ellis, Estell, Evans, Everett,
Farmer*, Ferguson, Fields, Floyd, Francis*, Frederick
Gardenhire, Gardner, Garner Garnet, Gass, George, Gibbons, Giffith, Gilliam*,
Glazier, Glover, Goff, Goins, Golston, Gott, Graham, Gray, Grayson*, Green,
Griffin, Griffith**, Gross, Grover, Gunter, Gwin
Hackworth, Hale, Haley, Hall*, Halley, Hamilton, Hammot, Hampton, Haney,
Harcastle, Hargiss*, Harris, Hatfield*, Hawk, Hawkins, Hays, Heard, Heath,
Hendrix*, Henry, Henson, Herron, Hicks, Higginbotham, Hilliard, Himby, Hise,
Hodge, Hoge, Hollinsworth, Holloway, Holman, Honea, Hooper, Hopkins,
Hornbeak, Howard, Hudgins, Hudson, Hugh, Hulvy, Hunter, Hurford, Huslin,
Inlow, Ives
Jack, Jackson*, James, Jeter, Johnson, Johnston, Jolly, Jones*
Kapper, Kell, Kelly*, Ketner, Kilgore*, Kilmer, King, Kinsay, Kinsey, Kirklin, Kirsay,
Kirsey, Kitchen, Knight, Know
Ladd, Lamb, Land, Lane*, Langley, Langly, Lassater, Lathram, Lawson, Lee, Lemons,
Lewis*, Long, Longford, Loomis, Looney, Lott, Loveday, Luck, Lusk
McBee, McBirds, McBride, McCain, McCallia, McCandless, McClain, McClure, McCoy,
McGriff, McKinney, McMunsey, McMurry, McNabb, McNew, McPherson, McReynolds,
Major, Majors, Mansfield, Marcum Marlor, Martin*, Mason, Massingal, Massingale,
Matthews,*, Maxwell, Mays, Maza, Mead, Medley, Merriot, Merrit, Metcalf, Mitchell*,
Moon, Mooney, Moore, Morgan, Morrison, Moss, Moyers, Mullins, Murphy, Myars
Neighbors, Neighbour, Newman, Nichol, Nichols, Nieghbor, Nixon, Nunley
Oates, Oatts, Overstreet, Owsby, Oyler
Pack, Page, Pankey, Parker, Parmley, Partin, Paton, Payne, Payor, Phelps, Philip,
Philips, Pickett*, Pitman, Plantations, Poinor, Pope, Porter, Powell, Presley, Price,
Prigmore, Prittman, Prossin, Pryor*, Pyburn
Rainbolt, Raines, Rains, Ramsey, Rankin, Rankins, Raulston*, Rawlings, Read, Reams,
Rice, Richard, Richards, Richmond, Rickett, Ridge, Robert, Roberts, Robertson,
Robinson, Roddin, Roger, Rogers*, Rose, Ross, Russell, Rutledge
Sale, Salmon, Savage, Scruggs, Seaborn, Searcy, Senter, Sexton, Shell, Shelton*,
Shird, Shirley, Shockly, Shropshire, Sims, Slasse, Smith**, Sparger, Spiegle, Spring,
Standefer, Standifer, Stedman, Steel, Sterling, Stewart, Stinnett, Stone*, Suthorn,
Talbert, Taliaferro, Taskit, Tate, Tatum, Tatums, Taylor, Teague, Tedford, Tharpe,
Thatch, Thompson, Thurman, Tinker, Townsend, Towry, Trace, Trussel, Tucker,
Walden, Walker, Wann, Warren, Watson, Watts, Weaver, Webb*, Wells, Wheeler,
White*, Williams*, Wilson*, Wimberly, Wit, Wood, Woodpin, Woodlee, Woodlin,
Woraton, Wynn, Wyrick