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Abstracted from microfilm found in the Tennessee State Archives, this publication contains the names of Davidson County citizens who paid taxes in 1812. Tax records are a great resource for locating your ancestors in a particular area at a certain period of time.
** After the name indicates six or more first names appear in the index:
Abel, Abernatha, Adair, Adams, Adcock, Ahead, Alford, Allen **, Allison, Anderson **, Armstrong, Aron, Asley, Austin, Aydellotte
Baird, Baits, Baker, Baldridge, Baldwin, Balentine, Ballew, Baner, Barker, Barnes **, Barnett, Barnheart, Barnsheart, Barr, Barrow, Basey, Bashaw, Bass, Bates, Battle, Baxter, Bay, Beamer, Beasey, Beasley, Beaty, Beavers, Beck, Becton, Bedford, Begley, Bell **, Bellamy, Bells, Bennett, Benning, Benningfield, Benoit, Bensfield, Bernard, Berry, Betts, Bezer, Bibb, Bibby, Biggs, Rinkley, Birdwell, Birthwright, Blackfare, Blackman, Balri, Blake, Blakely, Blakemore, Blan, Blankenship, Blerton, Blount, Bellamy, Bells, Bennett, Benning, Benningfield, Benoit, Bensfield, Bernard, Berry, Betts, Bezer, Bibb, Bibby, Biggs, Binkley, Birdwell, Birthwright, Blackfare, Blackman, Blair, Blake, Blakely, Blakemore, Blan, Blankenship, Blerton, Blount, Blythe, Goils, Bondurant, Booker, Boon, Booth, Bosley, Boswell, Bosworth, Bow, Bowers, Bowles, Boyd **, Boyl, Boyles, Bracken, Bradberry, Bradford, Bradshaw, Branch, Brannon, Brewer, Briant, Briley, Brodnax, Bronson, Brooks, Brown **, Browne, Brumsfield, Brumley, Brumson, Bryan, Bryner, Buchanan **, Buchanon, Buck, Bullin, Bumpass, Burnett, Burns, Burton, Busby, Butler **, Byers, Byrn
Caffrey, Cagle, Cahall, Cain, Caldwell, Caltharp, Cameron, Camp, Campbell **, Carnes, Carnney, Cannon, Cantrell, Carmack, Carney, Carper, Carroll, Carrol, Carter **, Carthright, Cary, Cassady, Cason, Casselman **, Cassidy, Cato, Caulfield, Cavender, Cayce, Chalton, Cham, Champ, Chandler, Chapman, Charter, Charton, Cherry, Childress, Childs, Chissen, Christian, Chumbley, Chumbly, Clabrook, Claborne, Clank, Clanton, Clark, Clay, Claybrooks, Clayton, Cleave, Cleaves, Clemons, Clinton, Clopton, Cloyd, Coats, Cobler **, Cocke, Coldwell, Cole, Coleman, Collingsworth, Collins, Coltharp, Compton, Condon, Congo, Connelly **, Conner, Cook, Cooke, Cooper **, Corbett, Cornelius, Cornelia, Cottrell, Cottwell, Council, Counselman, Cowan, Cowden, Cowgill, Cox, Craddock, Craig, Craighead, Crantz, Criddle, Creel, Creenshaw, Criddle, Cromer, Crook, Cross, Crosslow, Crossway, Cortton, Crowder, Crupper, Crutcher, Crutchfield, Crutchloe, Crutchlow, Cummins, Cunningham, Curry, Curtis, Cutler
Dalyard, Daniel, Daridge, Darrickson, Daughty, Davey, David, Davidson, Davis **, Davy,Dawson, Day, Deaderick Deatherage, DeMoss, Demumbreun, Demumbrun, Dennis, Dennison, Dew, Dickenson, Dickerson, Dickey, Dickinson, Dickson, DillaDavidsony, Dillard, Dimond, Dismukes, Dixon, Dodd, Dodson, Donelson **, Donnell, Donnelly, Dorris, Dotson, Doudge, Douglas, Douglass **, Douty, Down, Dowell, Dowlin, Downs, Dozier, Drake **, Drury, Ducan, Duffield, Dull, Duncan, Dunham, Dunn, DuPree, Dural, Duran, Duren, Dycus
Eadens, Eakin, Eakins, Earheart **, Earthman, East, Easten, Easter, Edgar, Edmondson, Edney, Edwards, Eklen, Elam, Elli, Ellis, Elmore, Emerson, Emerton, Emilton, Engleman, Ensley, Epperson, Erwin **, Escire, Esdale, Etheldridge, Evans, Evens, Everett, Everitt **, Ewel, Ewin, Ewing **, Exum, Ezell
Falwell, Farmbrough, Felts **, Fenning, Ferguson, Fewqua, Filand, Finney, Fisher, Fitzhugh, Fletcher, Flournoy, Fly, Folds, Folkes, Forehand, Foster, Fowler **, Fox, Foyl, Francis, Franklin, Frazier **, Fryer Fuggs, Funderbunk
Gabriel, Galsgow, Gamble, Gambrel, Garland, Garret, Garrett **, Garrison, Geary, Gengrick, Gentry, George, Gibbs, Gibson, Gilbert, Gilbreath, Gill, Gilliam, Gillum, Filum, Glasgow, Glaves, Gleaves, Glenn, Goghill, Golden, Goldsberry, Goode, Goodman, Goodrich, Goodwin, Gowen, Gower **, Gracey, Gracy, Granshaw, Grant, Graves, Gray, Green **, Greer **, Griffin, Griffith, Grimes, Grizzard, Gross, Grundy, Guender, Gulleford, Gully, Guthrie, Gwathmey, Gwin
Hackney, Hadden, Hagan, Haggerty, Hagins, Hail **, Hailey, Hails, Hails, Hainey, Hall **, Ham, Hamilton, Hammond, Hampton, Hancock, Hankins, Hanks, Hanna, Hannum, Harberson, Hardgrave, Harding, Hardy, Harison, Harlin, Harman, Harney, Harper, Harrington, Harris, Harrison **, Hartley, Hartman, Harwell, Harwood, Haskill, Haskins, Hatchett, Hault, Haw, Hayes, Hays **, Haywood, Heaton, Henderson, Henry, Herbert, Herren, Herrin, Hewitt, Hewlitt, Hickerson, Hickman, Hicknon, Hicks, Higgins, Hilbourn, Hill, Hind, Hinton, Hiter, Hobbs, Hobson, Hodge, Hogan, Hoggatt, Holder, Holley, Hollingsworth, Holmes, Holstean, Holt, Homes, Hooper **, Hooser, Hope, Hopper, Horace, Horn, Horton, Howard, Howel, Howlett, Hubbert, Hudgins, Hudnell, Hudson, Hughbanks, Hughes, Hughs, Hume, Humphries, Davidson, Davidsoner, Huppen, Hurt, Hust, Hutson, Hutton, Hyde, Hynes
Inman, Iredale, Iredell, Ivey
Jackson **, James, Jameson, Johns, Johnston **, Joiner, Jones **, Jordan **, Joslin **, Joyce
Keeling, Kellem, Kelly, Kennedy, Kent, Kerney, Kerr, Key, Kibble, Killum, Kincaid, Kingston, Kirkman, Kirkpatrick, Koonce, Krantz, Kurff
Lady, Laird, Lake, Land, Landman, Landrum, Laps, Lasiter, Lastley, Latham, Laughlin, Lawrence, Layton, Lazenby, Leah, Lee **, Lenear, Lester, Levy, Lewis, Lientz, Lightfoot, Lile, Linch, Linn, Linton, Lite, Lites, Little, Lock, Lockhart, Lofton, Logue, Lomax, Love **, Lovell, Lowery, Lowrey, Loyd, Lucas, Luke, Lusk, Lutgert, Lytle
Mc Adams, Mc Bean, Mc Bride, Mc Caffey, Mc Caffray, Mc Cain, Mc Callister, Mc Cance, Mc Candles, Mc Carrihan, Mc Caslin, Mc Clelland, Mc Clendon, Mc Collum, Mc Combs, Mc Cormack **, Mc Cormick, Mc Coy, Mc Crary, Mc Crory, Mc Culton, Mc Cutchen, Mc Daniel **, Mc Dowel, Mc Elroy, Mc Elwain, Mc Ewing, Mc Fadden, Mc Farlan, Mc Farland, Mc Ferrin, Mc Gahah, Mc Gaugh, Mc Gaughey, Mc Gavock **, Mc Geregar, Mc Iver, Mc Kay, Mc Kean, Mc Kernon, Mc Kiunney, Mc Laughlin, Mc Lean, Mc Lemore, Mc Murry, Mc Nairy, Mc Nees, Mc Querry, Mc Quillin, Mc Read
Macintosh, Maclin, Madden, Maddox, Magness, Malone, Manifee, Manly, Mann, Manness, Manning, Manton, Manus, Marks, Marlin, Marshall, Martin **, Masterson, Mathes, Mathews, Mathis, Matlock, Maury, Maxey **, Maxwell, May, Mays, Melville, Melvin, Meredith, Merryman, Metcalf, Miles, Miller, Milton, Mitchel, Mitchell, Mize, Mobley, Montgomery Moody, Moore **, Morgan, Morris **, Morton **, Mosby, Moses, Mosier, Mosse, Motherall, Mothershead, Mulherin, Mullin, Mullins, Murdock, Murphey, Murreell, Myers
Nance, Nanny, Napier, Nash, Neal, Neel, Neely **, Neilson, Nelson, Nemo, Newell, Newland, Newman, Newsom, Newton, Nichol, Nichol, Nicholas, Nichols, Nicholson, Night, Noblet, Noe, Noel, Nolebay, Noles, Norville, Nowlin, Nucom, Nucomb, Nusan
O’Briant, Oden, Ogilvie, Oliver, Orr, Orton Osmore, Osteen, Overton, Owen **, Owens **, Ozbourn, Ozourn
Pace, Pack, Page **, Pannell, Parham, Park, Parker **, Parkman, Parradice, Pate, Patterson, Patton, Paxton, Payne **, Payzer, Peay, Peebles, Pence, Pennington, Perkins **, Perry **, Person, Pew, Phelan, Phelps, Phenix, Phillips **, Phipps, Pick, Pierce **, Pigg, PIland, Piles, Pinkley, Pinkston, Pipkin, Pirtle, Pitcher, Plummer, Porch, Porter, POrterfield, Powel, Price, Pride, Priest, Priestly, Prince, Pritchett, Probart, Prock, Pryor, Puckett, Pully
Quarles, Quisbrobery
Ragan, Ragland, Raine, Rains, Ralph, Ralston, Ramsey, Randal, Randolph, Rape, Rapier, Raworth, Ray, Raymond, Razer, Razier, Read, Reaves **, Reddin, Redding, Renfro, Repsummer, Rice, Richard, Richardson **, Richey, Richy, Ridge, Ridley, Riders, Rieves, Riley, Roach, Roads, Roan, Roberts, Robertson **, Robinson, Rogers, Roland, Roper, Roseberry, Ross, Row, Rowlett, Rucker, Rusk, Russell, Rutherford
Sadler, Sample, Sanders **, Sandifer, Sappington, Saunders, Sawyers, Sayers, Scales, Scott **, Scruggs, **, Scuggs, SEabourn, Seal, Seale, Seals, Searcy, Seavey, Seawell, Seay, Shackleford, Shalton, Shane, Shannon, Sharp, Shaw, Shelly, Shelton **, Sheppard, Whield, Shiver, Shivers, Short, Shouse, Shute, Simmongton, Simmon, Simmons, Simpkins, Simpson, Sims, Singletary, Sittler, Sizemore, Skinner, Sloan, Sluder, Smiley, Smith **, Sneed, Snow, Snyder, Solus, Sommerville, Sparkman, Speck, Spence, Spiller, Squire, Srothers, Stainbeack, STaniell, Starkey, Steell, Stenatt, Stephens, Stobaugh, Stobough, Stonett, Stothart, Stout, Straan, Strain, Stringfellow, Strong, Stuart, Stump, Sturdivan, Sturdivant, Sugg, Sullivan, Sumner, Sutton, Sykes
Tait, Talbolt, Talbot, Talbott, Talley, Tandshord, Tannehill, Tarver, Tate, Tatus, Taylor **, Terrill, Thomas **, Thompson **, Thornburg, Tindal, Tippey, Tipton, Todd, Topp, Totty, Tradewell, Trailer, Trotter, Tull, Turbeville, Turley, Turner, TyreeUnderwood
Van Buskirk, Vaughn, Vaulx, Vick, Vincent
Wade, Waggoner **, Waits, Waldron, Walker **, Wall, Wallace, Waller, Walls, Ward **, Warden, Warren, Warwick, Waters, Wathem, Watkins, Watson **, Watts, Waugh, Way, Wayland, Weakley, Weatherall, Weaver, Webb, Webber, Welles, West, Westbrook, Westbrooks, Wharton **, White **, Whites, Whiteside, Whitfield, Whitiker, Whitley, Whitsitt, Whitson, Wilcox, Wiley, Wilkerson, Wilks, Willard, Willet, Williams **, Williamson **, Willis, Wills, Wilson **, Winfrey, Winsor, Winstead, Wolf, Wood, Woodard, Woodcock, Woodson, Woodward, Work, Wray, Wren, Wright **, Wyche
Yancy, Yarbrough, Yateman, Yates, Yeatman, Young **
Zachery, Zigler