Tipton County, Tennessee Biographies


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Originally published by Goodspeed Publishing in 1887, this 54-page reprint is filled with names and sketches of Tipton County pioneers and complimented by a brief history of the county.

Surnames Included In This Publication

Adams, Adkins, Adkinson, Alexander, Allen, Alling, Alston, Anderson, Armstrong,

Bairds, Baker, Baptist, Barnard, Barret, Barrett, Bartlett, Barton, Baskerville, Bass, Bate, Baxter, Beaver, Bell, Benton, Bernard, Billings, Black, Blackledge, Blaydes, Boales, Boals, Booker, Bowen, Boyd, Bradford, Breckinridge, Bringle, Broadmax, Brook, Broom, Browder, Brown, Brownlow, Buchanan, Buckhart, Bufurd, Burleson, Byars, Byles

Caldwell, Calhoun, Calmes, Campbell, Carruthers, Carter, Catlin, Cotton, Chatman, Cheatham, Childress,Chisholm, Choat, Chuming, Clack, Claiborne, Clark, Clarkson, Clement, Cockrill, Cockroft, Cohn, Cole, Colley, Collins, Cook, Cope, Cotton, Coward, Cox, Crawford, Cross, Crouch, Chunk, Culbreath, Culton, Cummings, Cussy

Daniel, Daughtery, Davie, Davis, Delashman, Delashmit, Dewese, DeWitt, Dickey, Dickinson, Dickson, Dixon, Doherty, Douglas, Drewry, Drury, Duckworth, Duncan, Dunlap, Dupuy, Durham

Eckford, Edding, Eddins,Elam Elean, Elkins, Elliot, Ellis, Epperson, Ervine, Erwin, Estes, Evans, Exum

Farar, Farrington, Farris, Faucett, Feezor, Fenner, Fentress, Ferrell, Fields, Finnie, Fisher, Fleming, Flippin, Flowers, Forrest, Foster, Frazier, Fullin

Gibbs, Gibson, Gillespie, Given, Givens, Glass, Glenn, Goggins, Goodall, Goodloe, Goodman, Goodsum, Gracey, Grave, Gray, Greeley, Green, Greer

Hall, Hamblett, Hale, Hamblen, Hamner, Hannah, Harrell, Harris, Hart, Hartsfield, Haskell, Hastings, Hawkins, Hayme, Haynes, Hays, Hazen, Hedrick, Henderson, Henson, Hewlett, Hightower, Hill, Hodge, Hodgis, Holmes, Hooker, Holshouser, Horn, Hornes, Howard, Howerton, Huff, Huffman, Hughes, Hughlet, Humphries, Hunt


Jackson, Jacobs, Jarbro, Jefferies, Jefferson, Johnston, Jones, Joyce, Jrobinson

Keeney, Keller, Kelley, Key, Kimbrough, King, Knapp, Kutbeth

Lamb, Lanier, Larimore, Latham, Lattimore, Lauderdale, Lea, Leatherman, Lee, Lemon, Leno, Ligon, Liggons, Linahan, ipman, Livingston, Locke, Lockey, Logan, Lowenhaupt, Lynns

Mailey, Maley, Malon, Mariner, Marriner, Marshall, Martin, Mason, Mathews, Mathis, Mathes, Matthews, Maury, Maxwell, Mayes, Mearses, Meeks, Menasco, Menifee, Meyers, Mickleberry, Miller, Misnheimer, Missouri, Mofitt, Moore, Morgan, Morris, Morrison, Mullendore, Muller, Mullin, Munch, Munford, Murphey

McCain, McCalla, McCally, McCellan, McClelland, McClerkin, McCloy, McCollough, McCoy, McCreight, McCullooch, McFadden, McFaddin, McFenans, McFerrin, McGregor, McGuire, McIntosh, McKean, McKenzie, Macklin, McLaughlin, McLemore, McLister, McMinn, McMullen, McNeely, McNelius, McQuiston, McWright

Neal, Neily, Nelson

O’Conner, O’Connoe, Onen, Overall, Owen

Page, Paine, Palmer, Parish, Park, Parrishe, Paxton, Payne, Peeler, Pennel, Perry, Person, Persons, Pettus, Phillips, Pierce, Pinner, Poer, Poindexter, Polk, Pope, Porterfield, Potter, Pugh


Ragsdale, Ralph, Rambeau, Read, Reaves, Reed, Reeves, Reid, Resson, Reynolds, Rhodes, Rice, Richardson, Ridgway, Rield, Rivers, Roane, Roberts, Robertson, Robinson, Roddy, Roe, Rose, Rosson, Ruffin, Russell

Sale, Sales, Sanford, Searcy, Seymour, Sharp, Shelton, Sherrill, Sherrod, Sherron, Simmons, Simonton, Sivels, Slaughter, Sloan, Small, Smith, Smitheal, Sneed, Somers, Somerville, Somervilles, Speed, Starnes, Steed, Steele, Stepnens, Stephenson, Stevens, Stinson, Stocks, Stone, Strain, Strange, Strong,. Sturdevan, Stutts, Sullivan, Swayne, Sweeney

Talbot, Talbott, Talley, Tarwater, Taylor, Terry, Thacker, Thompson, Tias, Tilden, Tiller, Tipton, Tobin, Townsend, Travis, Thobauch, Tucker, Turnage, Turner, Turrentine


Van Wagoner, Vaughan, Vaulk, Verble

Wadkins, Walder, Walk, Walton, Washington, Watson, Wesson, West, White, Whitehead Whitleys, Whitley, Whitthorne, Wiley, Williams, Wills, Wilson, Wimbish, Wiseman, Wolman, Wood, Woods, Woodson, Wooten, Wright, Writht, Wynn

Yaney, Yarbro, Yarbrough, Young, Yount

Included in publication but NOT included in family sketch surnames index (above) are:

  • Names of Sheriffs & Terms in Office
  • Names of Clerks of the County Court & Terms in Office
  • Names of Clerks of the Circuit Court & Terms in Office
  • Names of Registers & Terms in Office
  • Names of Trustees & Terms in Office
  • Names of Clerks/Masters & Terms in Office