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Originally published by Goodspeed in 1887, this 102-page reprint is full of sketches and names of Rutherford County pioneers and complimented by a history of the county.
Abbot, Abbott, Abernathy, Abrahams, Adams, Adkerson, Adkinson, Alexander, Alford, Allen, Allison, Ambrose, Anderson, Andrews, Anold, Anthony, Armstrong, Arnold, Ashford, Atkinson, Avent
Baird, Baker, Balch, Baldwin, Baley, Balle, Baltes, Banks, Banton, Barber, Barfield, Baring, Barker, Barksdale, Barlow, Barnett, Barrett, Barter, Barton, Baskett, Baskette, Bate, Batey, Battin, Battle, Baty, Baum, Baxter, Beard, Bears, Beasley, Becton, Bedford, Beesley, Bell, Bellah, Benge, Bennet, Bennett, Benton, Benze, Berry, Beuman, Bicton, Bilbro, Bird, Bishop, Bittman, Bivens, Black, Balckborn, Blackington, Black, Blackman, Blair, Blake, Blankenship, Blanton, Blound, Bock, Boehms, Bolles, Bond, Bone, Bonner, Booker, Boring, Bostick, Bowen, Bowers, Bowman, Boyd, Boyer, Bradford, Bradley, Brady, Bragg, Bramblet, Bramblett, Brandon, Brashear, Brashears, Breckinridge, Bridenthall, Bridges, Brittain, Brooker, Brooks, Broughton, Brown, Bruce, Bryan, Buchanan, Buckley, Budd, Bulgett, Bullock, Bumpas, Burgess, Burgsdorf, Burke, Burns, Burrus, Burt, Burton, Bute, Butler, Butts, Byers, Bynum, Byrn
Cabell, Cain, Callender, Camp, Campbell, Cannon, Cantheron, Carden, Carlisle, Carlton, Carmack, Carmichael, Carney, Carothers, Carson, Carter, Cartwright, Caruthers, Castleman, Cawthorn, Champion, Cheatham, Childress, Christe, Christy, Cisthwait, Clark, Clay, Clayton, Cleburne, Clement, Cliff, Clopper, Cluskey, Cochran, Coffee, Coleman, Collier, Collins, Conley, Cook, Cooper, Cornehan, Cosbey, Cothran, Covington, Cowan, Cox, Craddock, Crass, Crawford, Creson, Crichlow, Crittenden, Crocket, Crockett, Cross, Crosswaite, Crosthwait, Cullom, Cummins, Cunningham, Currin, Curry, Cyrn
Dance, Darrach, Dashiell, Davidson, Davis, Dawson, Decker, Dement, Deth, Devore, DeWolk, Dickens, Dickinson, Dickman, Dickson, Dill, Dillon, Dismukes, Dixon, Doak, Doaks, Dobson, Donaldson, Donnel, Donly, Doran, Doughty, Douglas, Driver, Dromgoole, Drumright, Duatt, Duffle, Dunn, Dyer, Dykes
Eagleton, Earthaman, Eaton, Edmonson, Edward, Edwards, Eickhoff, Elam, Elder, Elliott, Emmett, Erskine, Erwin, Ethel, Ewbanks, Ewing
Faris, Farmer, Fathera, Ficemeyer, Featherston, Fellows, Felton, Ferguson, Fetcher, Field, Finch, Finley, Finney, Fisher, Flath, Fletcher, Floyd, Fly, Fogg, Foss, Fowler, Fox, Frame, Frank, Franklin, Frazier, Freeman, Frost
Gambill, Gammel, Ganaway, Gannaway, Gardner, Garland, Garrett, Gault, Gifford, Gilfins, Gilham, Gillespie, Gilley, Gilliam, Gilmore, Gooch, Good, Goodall, Goodloe, Goodrich, Goodwin, Gowan, Grady, Graham, Graves, Gray, Grayson, Green, Gregory, Grundy, Gugger, Guild, Gum, Guy
Haines, Hale, Haley, Hall, Hamilton, Hancock, Hannis, Hansbrough, Hardee, Hare, Harmon, Harris, Harrison, Hartman, Hartwell, Haskell, Hawkins, Hawthorn, Hayne, Haynes, Hazelwood, Hazlett, Hearn, Hegan, Helen, Helms, Henderson, Henlein, Henry, Henson, Herdon, Herndon, Hewett, Hickman, Hicks, Hill, Hilliard, Hillsman, Hinkle, Hirsch, Hirst, Hist, Hodge, Hoehnlein, Hoffman, Holden, Hollowell, Holmes, Holt, Hood, Hooker, Hooper, Hoover. Hopkins, Hopson, Hord, House, Howell, Howlet, Howse, Hubbard, Hubbel, Huggins, Humphreys, Hunt, Hurst, Hutton
Icemeyer, Irwin, Ivie, Ivy
Jackson, Jacobs, Jamerary, James, Jameson, Jamison, January, Jarman, Jarnett, Jarratt, Jarrett, Jenkins, Jernigan, Jetton, Job, Jobe, John, Johns, Johnson, Johnston, Jolly, Jones, Jordan, Jourdan, Joyner, Junkins
Keal, Keeble, Keel, Kelley, Keeling, Kelly, Kelton, Kennedy, Kerr, Keyes, Keyser, Kilbro, Killough, Kimbro, Kimmons, King, Kirkpatrick, Knapp, Knight, Knox
Lamb, Landrum, Lane, Laughlin, Lavender, Lawing, Leath, Leatherman, Leathers, Ledbetter, Lee, Leech, Legrand, Leiper, Lemon, Lernean, Lester, Letherman, Lewis, Liddon, Lidsey, Lillard, Lilliard, Lindsey, Lineau, Lock, Loik, Long, Love, Lowe, Lowell, Lowery, Loyd, Loyg, Lukins, Lynch, Lyon, Lytle
Madden, Mainre, Major, Mallery, Malley, Mallory, Malthis, Manchester, Maney, Manire, Mankin, Manley, Manor, Manson, Marks, Marshall, Martin, Masn, Mason, Masterson, Mather, Mathews, Matthews, Maury, Maxfield, May, Mayfield, Mays, Meadows, Melchar, Menifee, Merchant, Miles, Millam, Miller, Millford, Minor, Mitchell, Moffet, Montague, Montgomery, Moore, Morgan, Morris, Morton, Mosbey, Mosby, Moss, Moxley, Munoz, Murfree, Murphey, Murray, Myers
McAdoo, McBride, McBright, McClanahan, McClure, Mccomb, McCook, McCord, McCoy, McCrary, McCulloch, McCullough, McDermott, McDougal, McDowell, McEwen, Macey, McFadden, McGahah, McGowen, McGregor, McGurder, McKey, McKinley, McKnight, McKnob, McLanahan, McLaughlin, McLean, McLemore, McMinn, McNeil, Macon, McPherson
Naff, Nance, Nash, Naylor, Neal, Neeley, Neilson, Nelson, Neugent, Newman, Newton, Nichol, Nichols, Niles, Noe, Noelard, Norflest, Norman, North, Northcott, Nuckolls, Numan, Nunn
Ochiltree, O’Flynn, Ogden, Ohrenne, Oliphant, Osborn, Osborn, Oslin, Overall, Overton, Owen
Palmer, Parker, Parrish, Patterson, Patton, Paty, Peebles, Perkins, Perry, Pettus, Peyton, Pierce, Pippin, Pitt, Pitts, Plummer, Polk, Pope, Porter, Posey Powell, Prater, Prewitt, Prim, Provine, Pruiett, Puckett, Purdy, Puryear
Rainey, Rainy, Ralston, Ramsey, Randle, Randolph, Rankin, Ransom, Ranson, Rapp, Rather, Raymond, Ready, Reed, Reves, Reneau, Rhea, Rhodes, Rice, Richardson, Ridley, Ridout, Ridoubt, Rielley, Ripley, Roach, Roberts, Robertson, Robinson, Robison, Rogers, Rooker, Roscoe, Rosecrans, Rosenfeld, Rosenfield, Roulet, Rowland, Ruckel, Rucker, Ruche, Rushing, Russel, Russwurm, Rutherford
Sageley, Sanaway, Sanders, Saunders, Savage, Scales, Schorn, Scrape, Searcey, Searsey, Searcy, Sehorn, Sharp, Sheafe, Shelton, Shepard, Sherman, Sike, Sikes, Simons, Simmons, Simpson, Small, Smith, Smithson, Smotherman, Sneed, Snell, Somerhall, Soule, Spaight, Spain, Sparks, Spence, Sperry, Staller, Starnes, Statham, Steele, Stephens, Stevens, Stevenson, Stewart, Stockard, Stockird, Stokes, Stone, Street, Stuart, Sublett, Sullivan, Summers, Sumpter, Suttle, Swan
Talbot, Talley, Tally, Taylor, Telford, Tenneson, Thomas, Thompson, Tilford, Tobias, Todd, Tompkins, Trabue, Tratt, Traylor, Treadaway, Trousdale, Tucker, Turner, Tuton
Van Cleve, Van Dorn, Vanderford, Vanhoose, Vaugh, Vaughan, Vaughn, Vaught, Vincent
Wade, Wadlington, Walker, Wallace, Walter, Walthall, Wannick, Ward, Ware, Warmuth, Warmuth, Warren, Washington, Wasson, Waters, Watkins, Watson, Weakley, Weatherly, Webb, Webber, Welton, Wendel, West, Westbrook, Weton, Wharton, Wheaton, Wheeler, White, Whitesett, Whiteside, Whitsen, Whitsett, Whison, Whittaker, Wick, Wigg, Wight, Wilkinson, Williams, Williamson, Wilson, Wilt, Winford, Winn, Winsepp, Winston, Wood, Woods, Wrather, Wright
Yandell, Yardley, Yeargan, Yoakum, Yound, YourieIncluded in publication but NOT included in family sketch surnames index (above) are:
- Names of Sheriffs & Terms in Office
- Names of Clerks of the County Court & Terms in Office
- Names of Clerks of the Circuit Court & Terms in Office
- Names of Registers & Terms in Office
- Names of Trustees & Terms in Office
- Names of Clerks/Masters & Terms in Office