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Originally published by Goodspeed Publishing in 1887, this 28-page reprint is filled with names and sketches of Moore County pioneers and complimented by a brief history of the county.
Included in publication but NOT included in family sketch surnames index (above) are:
Names of Sheriffs & Terms in Office
Names of Clerks of the County Court & Terms in Office
Names of Clerks of the Circuit Court & Terms in Office
Names of Registers & Terms in Office
Names of Trustees & Terms in Office
Names of Clerks/Masters & Terms in Office
Adams, Albright, Alexander, Allen, Allison, Anderson, Angel, Anthony, Ashby, Awalt, Aydelotte
Baggett, Bailey, Baker, Banks, Baxter, Bean, Bedford, Bell, Benson, Berry, Bevel, Bevell, Bickley, Billingsley, Bird, Bly, Blythe, Bobo, Bolen, Bolin, Bonner, Boon, Boone, Bowling, Brady, Branch, Brandon, Brannon, Brazzelton, Brents, Brock, Broadway, Broughton, Brown, Browning, Bryant, Buchanan, Burdge, Burt, Burton, Byrom, Byron
Call, Campbell, Carragan, Carrigan, Cates, Chambers, Chapman, Childs, Chrisman, Church, Clark, Cobb, Cobble, Cobbs, Cole, Colley, Collier, Colsher, Cook, Cooper, Copeland, Couser, Cowan, Cowser, Cox, Crane, Crawford, Crockett, Cummins, Cunningham, Curle
Daffron, Damron, Dance, Dancer, Daniel, Daniels, Dannel, Darnall, Darnoby, Davidson, Davis, Dean, Dillingham, Dixon, Downing, Driver, Duff
Eaton, Edde, Edens, Edwards, Eggleston, Ellis, Enochs, Ervin, Eslick, Estill, Ethridge, Evans
Fanning, Farmer, Farrar, Farrer, Farris, Felps, Flack, Fletcher, Ford, Forester, Forrest, Forrester, Franklin, Franks, Frily, Frizzell, Frost, Fullmore, Fulton, Funk
Galbreth, Garner, Gattis, George, Gilbert, Gillespie, Glidewell, Gobble, Gordon, Gore, Grant, Graves, Gray, Green, Gregory, Groves, Guthrie
Hall, Hammontree, Hancock, Hanes, Hawkins, Hendricks, Hickerson, Higgenbotham, Hill, Hinds, Hinkle, Hinson, Hise, Hobbs, Hodges, Holman, Holt, Hoskins, Howard, Hubbard, Hudgens, Hudson, Hughes, Hunter, Hutchenson, Hutton
Isaacs, Ivey
Jackson, Jean, Jenkins, Johnson, Jones
Keller, Killer, Kirtland, Kiser
Lawson, Leach, Leftwich, Leftwick, Lewis, Lindley, Lipscomb, Logan, Long, Lucas
McBride, McCellan, McClure, McClellan, McClure, McCoy, McCulley, McDowell, McGivens, McGregor, McJimsey, McKinzie, McLemore, McWhirter
Major, Majors, Mann, March, Marks, Marr, Marshall, Martin, Massey, Matlock, Mayes, Merrill, Metcalf, Miles, Miller, Mills, Millsap, Mitchell, Montcastle, Montgomery, Moore, Morehead, Morgan, Morris, Motley, Motlow, Moyers, Mullins, Murrel, Muse
Neece, Nelson, Newson, Nix, Noah, Noblet, Noblett, Norman, Norton, Norvall, Norvell
Osborn, Ousley, Overby, Owens
Pardon, Parkes, Parks, Pearce, Pearson, Pegram, Pilant, Pilot, Pogue, Powers, Price, Prosser
Raby, Rainey, Raney, Ray, Read, Record, Records, Reece, Reedy, Rees, Reese, Renegar, Reneger, Revis, Rhoton, Richardson, Riddle, Rives, Roach, Roberson, Robers, Robinson, Rodgers, Rogers, Rolan, Rose, Rosenberger, Roughton, Roundtree, Runnells, Russ
Salmon, Sanders, Sandredg, Scivalley, Scivally, Sebastian, Sealy, Shasteen, Shaw, Shiver, Shofner, Silvertooth, Simpson, Smith, Speck, Spencer, Stacy, Stafford, Steagall, Stephens, Stewart, Stoball, Stockstill, Stone, Strawn, Strong, Sugg, Sullivan, Swinney, Syler
Tankesley, Taylor, Thomasson, Thomison, Thompson, Thrash, Thurman, Timms, Tipps, Tolley, Travis, Tribble, Tripp, Tucker
Wade, Waggoner, Waid, Walker, Waller, Warren, Weaver, Webb, Whitaker, Whitfield, Whitman, Whittaker, Wicker, Wiles, Williams, Wilson, Winn, Wiseman, Wolley, Womach, Womack, Woodard, Woods
Yates, Young