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Originally published by Goodspeed Publishing in 1887, this reprint is filled with names and sketches of Lawrence County pioneers and includes a history of the county.
Abernathy, Adair, Adams, Adkison, Akin, Alcorns, Alexander, Aford, Allison, Alton, Anderson, Anthony, Appleton, Archer, Armstrong, Ashmore, Austin, Azbell
Badgett, Bailey, Baker, Baldwin, Bassham, Basshan, Bate, Bates, Beavers, Beeler, Belew, Bennets, Bentley, Bently, Biffle, Billingsby, Bird, Birgen, Bishop, Black, Blackard, Blackwood, Blair, Blakely, Blythe, Bodenhammer, Borders, Boswell, Bradshaw, Bradstreet, Braly, Bramlett, Branden, Brasher, Brashers, Breckinridge, Brenn, Brentley, Brine, Bromley, Brooks, Brothers, Brown, Brownlow, Bryant, Buchanan, Bumpass, Burkett, Burlesson, Burns, Busby, Bushby, Byter
Cahal, Campbell, Campbells, Cannon, Carlisle, Carrell, Carroll, Carter, Cash, Cauthen, Cavender, Chadwick, Chaffin, Chambers, Cheairs, Cheat, Childress, Choat, Choate, Christy, Chromister, Clendennin, Cleveland, Cobb, Cobbs, Cocke, Coffee, Coffman, Colley, Collins, Comer, Compton, Cook, Cooke, Cooper, Cornell, Couch, Coulert, Cox, Craig, Crews, Cisp, Crockett, Cross, Crosthwait, Cunningham
Dalton, Davis, Davises, Day, Deavenporr, De Laney, Denton, Depoint, Deys, Dickson, Dillahunty, Dixon, Dobbins, Dodson, Dollane, Duckworths, Duncan , Dunn, Dustin, Dyal
Earnest, Eastham, Eaton, Edmiston, Edwards, Egleson, Elliott, Ellis, English, Escua, Ethridge, Evans
Fallses, Farmer, Farris, Fath, Fields, Fillmore, Finch, Fisher, Flannery, Fleeman, Flowers, Fondren, Forbes, Forrest, Foster, Frank, Frierson, Fugate
Gabel, Gabill, Gambells, Garner, Garrets, Garrett, Garrison, Gaswells, Gest, Gilbert, Gibson, Gillespie, Gilmore, Glasscock, Glover, Goats, Goedeker, Goff, Gooch, Goodman, Goggins, Gordon, Gray, Greeley, Green, Greley, Gresham, Grimes, Guthrie
Hagan, Hail, Halbert, Hale, Halford, Hall, Hamilton, Hammond, Hanks, Hannah, Hardee, Harrison, Harvey, Hay, Hayes, Hayne, Haynes, Hays, Hearlson, Helton, Henryville, Hensley, Henson, Herbert, Herrin, Hicks, Higgs, Hill, Hillhouse, Hills, Hines, Hinton, Hodge, Hogan, Holland, Holliday, Hooe, Horne, Horton, Hudson, Hueler, Huesser, Hughes, Hunt, Hunter, Hurley, Hutchinson
Ingraham, Irvine, Isaacs, Isom
Jackson, Johnson, Joiner, Jones, Joyce, Juep
Keeton, Kelley, Kelly, Kelsey, Keltner, Kennedy, Kennon, Keys, Kidd, Kilbun, Kimbrew, King, Kirk, Kitchen, Koger, Kyle
Lackey, Landman, Larney, Leahorn, Leath, Lee, Legg, Leman, Levi, Lindsey, Locke, Lockhart, Long, Looney, Love, Lucas, Lumpkin
McAnally, McBride, McCain, McCallister, McCauley, McChish, McClain, McClanahan, McClendon, McClinden, McClintock, McCollum, McComb, McConnell, McCoy, McCracken, McCreary, McCure, McDougal, McGaw, McGown, McGlamary, McGlamry, McGrew, McGuire, McIntyre, McKey, McKinney, McKnight, McLaren, McLean, Mc Macken, McMackin, McMaster, McMillan, McMillen
Maddox, Manley, Martin, Mason, Matthews, Mays, Melton, Meredith, Mester, Metcalf, Mill, Miller, Milton, Mitchell, Monday, Moore, Morgan, Morrow, Moss, Mulholland, Murphy, Musgrave
Neal, Nelson, Newton, Nieman, Nixon, Norman, North, Null
Orr, Oxford, Paine, Parker, Parkes, Parrott, Parsons, Pavatt, Payne, Pearce, Pennicuff, Pennington, Perkins, Perkinses, Phenix, Pikens, Pierce, Poley, Polk, Pollock, Porter, Poteet, Potts, Powell, Pratt, Prewett, Price, Priest, Prior, Pullen, Putnam
Quarles, Rackley, Rains, Ramsey, Rashers, Ray, Reynold, Reynolds, Rhodes, Ribble, Rice, Richardson, Riesenbeck, Roberts, Robinson, Rodger, Rogers, Roland, Roper, Rose, Ross, Rowels, Rowls, Rubbert , Rust
Sanders, Schade, Scott, Seahorn, Segmore, Sexton, Shannon, Sharp, Shelton, Shield, Shirley, Shoffner, Sills, Simmons, Simms, Simonton, Sizemore, Skully, Slayden, Smith, Smithson, Soaper, Solinsky, Sowell, Sparkman, Spear, Spence, Spencer, Spiegel, Spreegle, Springer, Steel, Steen, Stephenson, Stewart, Stone, Straughn, Strawn, Stribling, Strickland, Stringham, Sullivan, Swinton, Sykes
Talby, Tally, Tarkington, Tarpley, Taylor, Teas, Terrell, Thomas, Thompson, Thornton, Tidwell, Tilden, Tinnon, Tipton, Todd, True, Tucker, Turnbow, Turner, Turnpike, Tutnell
Van Buren, Vaughn, Voorhees, Voorhies, Voss
Walker, Warren, Wasson, Wayland, Welch, Welker, Wellington, Wells, Welsh, Westmore, Westmoreland, Wharton, White, Willeford, Williams, Willis, Wilson, Wisdom, Wooten, Worten
Yarnbrough, Yeager, Zeigler, Zollicoffer
Included in publication but NOT included in family sketch surnames index (above) are:
- Names of Sheriffs & Terms in Office
- Names of Clerks of the County Court & Terms in Office
- Names of Clerks of the Circuit Court & Terms in Office
- Names of Registers & Terms in Office
- Names of Trustees & Terms in Office
- Names of Clerks/Masters & Terms in Office