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Originally published by Goodspeed Publishing in 1887, this 23-page reprint is filled with names and sketches of Lake County pioneers and includes a history of the county. Surnames include:
Adams, Alexander, Anderson, Applewhite, Arnett, Ashburn
Bailey, Baird, Barker, Bartean, Bartlett, Bates, Batsell, Beckham, Beloat, Bigham, Bloys, Box, Boyd, Bradford, Brock, Brown
Brummel, Burnett, Burns, Burnum, Burrus, Butt, Byrd
Caldwell, Campbell, Carne, Carpenter, Carter, Castle, Cates, Chambers, Chapman, Coleman, Cooke, Copeland, Corbitt, Crafton, Craig, Crockett, Cronan, Cross, Crudup, Cunningham
Dalton, Daniel, Darnall, Darnell, Davis, Delaney, Dickinson, Donaldson, Douglas, Downing
Eagan, Eastwood, Everett, Ezell, Farris, Faulkner, Ferguson, Flanagan, Fowlkes, Frey
Gale, Gallaher Glasscock, Graham, Green, Griffin
Harry, Hardy, Harper, Harris, Harvey, Hassell, Hatchel, Hines, Hoadley, Hogue, Holifield, Hopper
Isler, Jackson, Jones, Keefe, Kelley
La Duke, Lane, Lanier, Larson, Lechenet, Lewis, Limbaugh, Longley, Lowe
Mc Carthy, Mc Curdy, Mc Daniel, Mc Elyea, Mc Gehee
Mac Line, Meriweather, Mitchell, Mooney, Moore, Mooring, Morrod, Moss, Murfrer
Nall, Needham, Neville, Newgent, Newton, Nolen
Oldhauser, Owens, Parks, Peacock, Pollock, Porter, Quarles
Rayfield, Raymon, Reagan, Reeves, Rider, Riley, Rivers, Robertson, Rogers, Rouse
Sampson, Shelt, Shelton, Shipman, Sibert, Sims, Sinclair, Smith, Snow, Somers, Sowers, Stephens, Sterling, Stone
Taylor, Thompson, Thornton, Threadgill, Tipton, Tittesworth, Tresenriter
Upton, Wall, Ward, Waters, Watson, Weaver, Webb, Westbrook, White, Whitson, Williams, Wilson, Witt, Wood, Wright, Wynn