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Originally published by Goodspeed Publishing in 1887, this reprint is filled with sketches and information on Humphreys County pioneers and complimented by a brief history of the county. Surnames include:
Abbott, Adams, Addison, Alexander, Alford, Allen, Anderson, Arbrough, Arnold, Asken, Atkins
Balthrop, Bairfield, Barcate, Barnard, Barnes, Barrow, Bass, Bates, Batson, Bayliss, Beach, Bear, Beard, Bearden, Beasley, Beazley, Bell, Bennett, Bliss, Biburn, Biffle, Billmore, Birmingham, Biswell, Black, Blake, Blessing, Blount, Bocks, Bolton, Bond, Bone. Bogous, , Bothorff, Bowen, Box, Boyer, Bradley, Bragg, Brather, Brennen, Brerard, Brien, Brigam, Brigance, Brigant, Brigg, Briggs, Brigham, Britt, Broaddus, Brooks, Brown, Brothers, Browning, Buchanan, Bunnell, Burgie, Burns, Burton, Byrn, Byrns
Calstons, Carland, Carlton, Carnell, Carney, Carter, Cartwright, Cass, Cassett, Cassiday, Ceamall, Charlton, Childers, Choate, Christopher, Clark, Cleghorn, Coleman , Collier, Colliers, Collins, Connell, Cooley, Coolie, Corbin, Corbitt, Cornell, Cowan, Cowan, Cowen, Cragg, Craig, Crawley, Crenshaw, Crim, Crockett, Croft, Crosswell, Crowell, Cude, Curleys, Curtis
Daniel, Davidson, Denslow, Defriest, Dehoney, DeSoto, Dickey, Dickson, Dillin, Doak, Dodson, Doherty, Dorr, Dorsey, Dougherty, Draper, Draughn, Draughon, Driver, Drummond, Duff, Duncan, Dunlap, Dunn, Durham, Dyer
Easley, Edwards, Ellis, Eskridge, Estes, Ewin
Farmer, Faulks, Ferguson, Few, Finch, Fitzgerald, Flanary, Fletcher, Flowers, Foresse, Forest, Forester, Forrest, Fortner, Foster, Fowler, Fowlker, Fowlkes, Frazier, French, Frields, Frierson, Fussell
Garrett, Garrison, Gassett, Gibbons, Glenn, Glyman, Goodrich, Goodwin, Gorham, Gossett, Gouge, Gould,Heley, Grant, Grash, Green, Gregogy, Grice, Grices, Griner, Gunn, Guthrie, Gwin, Gwinn, Gwinnup
Haglers, Hailey, Hales, Hall, Whitson, Hambleton, Hancock, Haney, Hanna, Harder, Hardin, Hardwick, Harkins, Harmon, Harrington, Harris, Harrison, Harrmon, Harvill, Hatly, Hawkins, Hedge, Hendricks, Henslee, Hickman, Hillman, Hite, Hobbs, Hodge, Hogan, Holland, Hood, Hooper, Hopkins, Hornburger, Horner, Houston, Hoyt, Hubbs, Hudson, Hudspeth, Humphreys, Hunter, Hust
Ingersoll, Ivey
Jackson, James, Jarman, Johnson, Johnston, Jones, Jordan
Kemp, King, Kinsella, Kirk, Kirkland, Knght, Knight
Ladd, Lanier, Luckett, Laniers, Lankford, Lankfords, Larkin, Larkins, Latimer, Lattimer, Lawrence, Lawson, Laxon, Leonard, Leslie, Lewis, Lincoln, Link, Little, Lockhart, Loggins, Lomax, Long, Longford, Love, Loveless, Lowing, Lucas, Luffman, Lunn, Luten, Lynch
McAdoo McCall, McCann, McCaslin, McCauley, McClaine, McCloud, McCracken, McCrackin, Mc Crary, McCreary, McCullum, McCullum, McCutcheon, McDonald, McElyer, McFall, McFarland, McIntosh, McKay, McKeel, McKelvy, McKinsey, McKnight, McLeod, McMillan, Maclin, McMurry, McNeil, McNeil, McNeiley, McQuade, McSwine
Madden, Madlock, Madow, Maher, Malcomb, Mallard, Maney, Manley, Manney, Marable, Martin, Massey, Massie, Massy,Mathews, Matthews, May, Mays, Meadon, Meadow, Medlock, Metlock, Metson, Milam, Miller, Mills, Minor, Mitchell, Montgomery, Moodey, Moore, Morgan, Morrison, Morton, Moses, Moss, Mulhollen, Mulligan, Mullinnick, Murphree, Murry, Muse
Nall, Napier, Neale, Neblett, Nelson, Nichols, Nix, Nixon, Nolan, Nolen, Norman, Northington, Nunlee
Ognin, O’Guin, Ogwin, O’Gwin, O’Gwinn, O’Neil, Osborn, Outlaw, Outlaws, Owen, Owens
Pace, Pack, Page, Palmer, Parish, Paritt, Parker, Parmer, Parrish, Patrick, Patterson, Pauley, Pavatt, Pearce, Perrine, Perry, Phillips, Pickard, Pickett, Pigrann, Pitts, Plant, Poiner, Porch, Porterfield, Powerly, Price, Pritchard, Pugh, Pullen, Pybess
Ragon, Reaves, Reeves, Reynolds, Rhode, Rice, Richardson, Riding, Ridings, Roberts, Robertson, Robinson, Rodgers, Rogers, Rose, Rowen, Rudolph, Rushing, Rushton, Russell, Rutherford, Rye
Sanders, Schales, Schofield, Scholes, Scott, Sears, Shain, Shannon, Shaw, Shelton, Shipp, Short, Shouse, Shuffle Simpson, Sink, Sinks, Slayden, Sloan, Smalley, Smith, Sooker, Spann, Spicer, Sproggins, Stanfield, Stark, Stewart, Stockard, Stoddard, Stribling, Stuart, Sullivan, Summers, Suter, Swift
Tally, Tanklery, Tassy, Tate, Taylor, Teas, Temple, Tenny, Thedford, Thomas, Thomason, Thompson, Toland, Toller, Tomlinson, Tooker, Totty, Tousey, Traylor, Trinkle, Trinkley, Trotter, Trovis, Tubb, Tubbs, Tullass, Turner, Twilla
Ussery, Vaden, Vandier, Vanhook, Viser
Wadkins, Waggoner, Wagner, Wagoner, Walker, Wallace, Warren, Wayne, Webb, Webster, Welch, Wells, West, Wheeler, White, Whitfield, Whithurst, Whitleys, Willey, Willhite, Williams, Williamson, Willie, Wilson, Winfrey, Winn, Winns, Wiseman, Wood, Wright, Wyatt, Wyley, Wylie, Wylies, Wyly
Yarbourough, Yarbrough, Yates, Yeates, York, Young