Rhea County, Tennessee Biographies


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Originally published by Goodspeed in 1887, this 30-page reprint is filled with sketches and names of Rhea County pioneers and complimented by a history of the county.

Included in publication but NOT included in family sketch surnames index (above) are:

  • Names of Sheriffs and Terms in Office
  • Names of Clerks of the County Court and Terms in Office
  • Names of Clerks of the Circuit Court and Terms in Office
  • Names of Registers and Terms in Office
  • Names of Trustees and Terms in Office
  • Names of Clerks/Masters and Terms in Office


Abel, Abernathy, Allen, Angel, Asbury, Ault

Barnett, Bean, Beard, Bell, Benson, Berry, Bicknell, Bingam, Birdson, Blevins, Bolton, Bottom, Boyd, Boynton, Bradford, Brooks, Brown, Broyles, Buchanan, Burkett, Burton

Cain, Caldwell, Callahan, Campbell, Caywood, Chapman, Chatten, Chumley, Clack, Clark, Clements, Cobb, Collins, Colville, Compton, Condley, Cook, Cowan, Coulter, Cozby, Crabbs, Craighead, Craven, Crawford, Crutchfield, Cunningham

Darwin, Day, Denton, Dodge, Dukes, Dunham

Early, Earnest, Edwards, Evans, Evens

Falkner, Farley, Farmer, Ferguson, Fine, Fleming, Forbish, Foster, Foust, Francis, Frazier, Fulkerson, Fulton

Galbraith, Gamble, Gardenhire, Garrison, Gass, Gedge, George, Gettys, Gibbs, Gibson, Gillespie, Gilmore, Givens, Granley, Greer, Griffith, Grittinger

Hackett, Haggard, Halloway, Hampton, Hand, Handy, Harden, Hazzlerig, Heiskell, Henry, Hinch, Holloway, Holt, Hosier, Howard, Howe, Howell, Hoyal, Hudson, Huymphrey


James, Jamie, John, Johnson, Joney, Julian

Keenan, Kennedy, Key, King

Ladd, Lauderdale, Lea, Lennox, Lester, Leuty, Lewis, Lillard, Locke, Lones, Long, Love, Loutham, Luck, Lyon

McAndrew, McBride, McCaleb, McCallie, McClane, McDonald, McKenzie, McKinley, McMeans, McMillian, McMillin, McPherson, McWhirter

Magill, Majors, Miller, Minus, Mitchell, Montgomery, Moore, Morgan, Morrison, Murphree

Nanny, Neal


Paine, Parham, Parker, Patterson, Persons, Pevyhouse, Phillips, Pierce, Polk, Preston, Pyott

Ramsey, Rawling, Reed, Renfro, Rennebaum, Rhea, Rice, Richard, Riddle, Ried, Robinson, Rockhold, Roddy, Rogers, Russell

Salts, Shaver, Simcox, Smith, Spencer, Spivey, Steece, Stephens, Stockton, Storie, Stuart, Swafford

Thomas, Thomison, Thompson, Turney

Walker, Walsh, Wassom, Waterhouse, Whittenburg, Wilshire, Wiseman, Witt, Woodward, Worley

Yarber, Yearwood, Young