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A virtual “who’s – who” of pioneer Allen County, this reprint contains
sketches and history originally published in:
a. The History of Kentucky, by Lewis Colins, published 1882 or
b. Kentucky: A History of The State, by W.H. Perrin, J.H. Battle & G.C. Kniffin, published 1885.
These two books set the standard for Kentucky history and pioneer biographies.
Adams, Allen (41 References), Arnett (10), Arnold, Austin
Barlow (10), Barrick (18), Bates, Beam, Beasley, Beeler, Bell, Berry, Bibb, Biggers (10), Bill, Boardman, Bobo, Boles, Bottomley, Botts, Boyd ((11), Brady, Branstetler, Bray, Breckinridge, Brents, Britt, Brough, Browning, Bruce, Bryan, Buckner, Bullock, Burch, Burford, Burks (29), Bush, Button (17)
Cabell, Campbell, Carden, Carpenter, Carver, Chapline, Chapman, Cheek, Childress (15), Chinowth (19), Chism, Cole, Colvin, Combs, Comer, Cooney, Crain, Creegan, Croghan, Cross, Crutcher, Curd
Dale, Davasher, Davis (21), Dawson, Day, Denham, Depp, Dickerson, Dillingham, Dillon (13), Dillon, Dinkelspeel, Dishman, Divers, Dixon, Dodd, (18), Dossey, Douglas, Downing, Duff, Duke, Duncan, Duval (11), Duvall
Edmunds (27), Edwards (14), Ellis (13), Emerson, Eubank, Evans, Everett (12)
Fant (19), Farris, Ferguson, Forde, Fortune, Foster, Fowler, Frank (11), Furgerson
Garnett, Gazlay, Gill, Goodman, Gorin, Greer (21), Ground, Guthrie
Haddy, Hampton, Hardin, Hare, Harlan, Harlow, Harrison, Harvey, Hatcher (19), Hawley, Hazelwood, Helms, Henderson (27), Hendricks, Hester, Hicks (12), Hindman, Holder, Holman (17), Holt, Howard, Hudson, Huffman, Hutchens
Jackman, Jackson, Jameson, Jemerson, Jewell (23), Johnson, Johnston, Jones (10), Jordan (16), Jump (14)
Kelley, Kenton, Kerley, Kimball, Kinslow, Koney, Kroch
Lee, Leslie, Lessenberry, Lewis, Locke, Lockhart (22)
McBeath, M’Call, McCall, McCarell, McCarrell, McDaniel, McFerran, McGee, McGuire
Mac Clellan, Magan, Mansfield, Marshall, Martin (27), Matthews (11), Medors, Middleton, Miller, Milligan (17), Moore, Moran (11), Morehead, Morey, Morgan, Morris (17), Morton, Mosby (19), Mosely, Moss (13)), Murray, Murrell, Murrill
Norvell, Nuckols, Nunn
Oldham, Owen (14), Owens
Page, Parish, Parker, Parret, Parrish (19), Payne, Peden, Pedigo (14), Penn, Perkins, Peterson (15), Pitts, Poe, Polston, Prentice, Price, Procter(21), Purcell (11), Putnam
Ralston, Randolph, Red, Redford, Reed, Renfro (21), Reynolds, Ritchie, Ritter, Roark, Roberts, Rogers, Ruddell (10)
Sabens, Sampson, Saunders, Scott (19), Seay, Settle, Settles, Shelton, Shepard, Shipley, Shirley, Simmons (19), Sink, Smith (48), Snider, Snoddy, Spillman, Stark (12), Steel, Stefey, Stevenson, Stewart, Strawther, Sweezen
Taylor, Terry (32), Thomerson (22), Thompson (16), Thornburge, Thurman, Totty, Trabue, Trigg, Turner, Tutt
U’Bank, Underwood
Vaughan, Vincent (10)
Wade (12), Walker, Waller, Waring, Wells (12), West, Wheeler, Whetstine, White, Wickliff, Wilkinson, Williams, Willis, Wilson (23), Wood, Woods, Wooten, Wright (18)
Yancey (35)