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Originally published by Goodspeed Publishing in 1887, this reprint is crammed with sketches and information on Fayette County pioneers and complimented by a brief history of the county. Surnames include:
Abernathy, Adams, Albright, Alexander, Alexanders, Allen, Allison, Anderson, Appleberry, Applewhite, Armour, Armstrong, Aruffin, Atkinson, Austin
Babbitt, Bacon, Baggaly, Bailey, Baird, Baker, Ballard, Barnes, Barry, Barton, Baskerville, Bass, Baugh, Bayley, Beatty, Beauford, Bejach, Bell, Belvat, Bennett, Benton, Bickerstaff, Biggs, Bills, Bishop, Black, Blain, Blakeley, Bland, Blands, Blare, Bond, Bone, Booth, Bosswell, Boswell, Bounds, Bowen, Bowers, Bowling, Boyd, Bragg, Branch, Brauer, Brightwell, Brook, Brooks, Brown, Brownell, Brownlow, Bruce, Bryan, Buford, Buizwell, Bull, Bumpass, Burnett, Burtis, Burton
Cablier, Caldwell, Campbell, Campobell, Cannon, Carnes, Carter, Cartwjright, Cartwright, Caruthers, Castleton, Cater, Chamberlain, Chambers, Chapman, Chessman, Chillers, Choat, Christian, Clark, Clay, Cleere, Cleft, Clift, Cloyd, Cochran, Cocke, Cockroft, Coe, Coleman, Collier, Compton, Conrad, Cook, Coolidge, Cooper, Copeland, Copeman, Cossett, Cotter, Cotton, Cousar, Covington, Cowan, Cox, Craddock, Crawford, Crenshaw, Crook, Crossett, Culbertson, Cumming, Curls, Currie, Curtis, Curtise
Dashiell, Davis, Day, Deberry, Denny, Deverneux, Dickens, Dickinson, Dobbs, Dollor, Donocho, Dortch, Douglass, Dowdy, Drake, Dunlap, Dupree, Dupuy, Dyer
Ealey, Eastham, Edgerton, Edmundson, Elam, Eldridge, Ellis, Estel, Estes, Eubank, Evans, Ewell
Fain, Fairfield, Falconer, Falls, Farley, Farris, Fenner, Fentress, Fian, Finely, Finney, Finnie, Fisher, Flippin, Foote, Ford, Forrest, Fowler, Frank, Frasier
Gabbie, Galloway, Ganell, Garges, Garnett, Garrison, Garvin, Gatley, Gibbons, Gibson, Gill, Gilliam, Glasscock, Glaster, Gleen, Glenn, Gober, Goodall, Gooden, Goodwin, Goosman, Goosmann, Gordon, Gracy, Granberry, Granbery, Granger, Grant, Gray, Gregory, Grider, Griffin, Guthrie, Gwynn
Hackney, Hain, Hall, Halton, Hamblett, Hamilton, Hancock, Hannum, Hardin, Harper, Harrell, Harris, Harwell, Haskell, Hasley, Hatcher, Havens, Hawkins, Haynes, Head, Heaslett, Hecht, Henderson, Hendon, Henry, Henson, Hersch, Hester, Higgason, Hill, Hiller, Hilliard, Hiram, Hobson, Hodge, Hodges, Holden, Holland, Holloway, Holman, Holmes, Holoman, Holt, Hood, Hook, Hotchkiss, House, Houston, Howard, Howell, Hudson, Hudspeth, Hull, Humphreys, Hung, Hunter, Hurt, Hust
Ingram, Irby, Irish, Irwin, Isbell, Isom, Ivedell, Ivy
Jackson, Jarnigan, Jetton, John, Johns, Johnson, Jones, Jons, Jordan
Kahn, Kent, Kerr, Kerrs, Ketchum, Kettle, Key, Kidd, Kimbrough, King, Kirk, Knox, Koonce
Lacy, Lafayett, Lake, Lamb, Langham, Lattin, Leatherman, Leech, Lenow, Lensberry, Lewis, Lipscomb, Livingston, Lloyd, Lock, Locke, Logwood, Long, Longwell, Loomis, Looney, Louston, Love, Loving, Low, Lumas, Lyle, Lynn, Lynns
Maas, Macbeth, Mayo, McCalla, McCalpin, McCampbell, McCarley, McClaren, McCle??and, McClellan, McClelland, McCoy, McCree, McFadden, McGee, McGehee, McHenry, McIntosh, McKenzie, McKissick, McKnight, McNance, McNannie, McNutt, Manning, Maric, Maris, Marshall, Martin, Mask, Mathews, Mayo, Mebane, Meness, Meriweather, Metcalf, Meux, Michael, Michaels, Miler, Miller, Milliken, Mitchell, Moody, Moore, Moorman, Morgan, Morghis, Morris, Morton, Mossey, Munroe
Nail, Neal, Neely, Neil, Nelson, Nesbitt, Newell, Norman
Old, Oldham, Oliphant, Osborn, Oursler, Owen
Paine, Palmer, Pankey, Parham, Parker, Parks, Parr, Pate, Patterson, Patton, Payne, Pearson, Peebles, Perry, Person, Pettus, Phillips, Pickens, Pierce, Pillow, Pipkins, Pitman, Plummer, Polk, Pollock, Poratt, Porter, Prewitt, Price, Proudfit, Provine, Pulliam
Quinn, Ragan, Ragland, Ramsey, Ray, Rayner, Reader, Reed, Reeves, Reichardt, Reves, Reynolds, Rhea, Rhode, Rhodes, Rich, Richardson, Richmond, Ricketts, Riddick, Rieves, Rifles, Ritchey, Rivers, Rives, Robards, Roberts, Robertson, Rodgers, Rose, Ross, Rousseau, Ruffin, Russell, Russey, Ruthledge
Sale, Salmon, Scaller, Scott, Scruggs, Seabrook, Searoy, Senter, Sharpe, Shaw, Shelton, Sherrel, Shinault, Shinporch, Simmons, Simms, Simpson, Sims, Slinser, Small, Smith, Sneed, Snow, Somers, Somerville, Sparks, Spence, Spencer, Sprouell, Spurlock, Stafford, Stainback, Stall, Stanely, Stanfield, Stanley, Steel, Steiger, Stephens, Stevens, Stidham, Stone, Street, Sturm, Summers, Suther, Swayne
Talley, Tarver, Tate, Tatum, Taylor, Teal, Terrence, Tharp, Thomas, Thompson, Thornton, Thurmond, Titus, Todd, Tombers, Tomlinson, Toombs, Topp, Towles, Trent, Trimble, Trotter, Tucker, Turner, Tyler,
Vaughan, Voss, Waddell, Wade, Wadkins, Walker, Walton, Ward, Warr, Warren, Washingotn, Watkins, Weatherly, Webb, Weber, Wells, Wert, Wetzler, Wharton, Wheeler, Whitaker, White, Whitlow, Whitmore, Whitsett, Wiggins, Wilfong, Wilkerson, Wilkinson, William, Williams, Williamson, Wilson, Wingfield, Winston, Wirt, Wood, Woodfin, Word, Worrell, Worthy, Wright, Wyatt, Wyann
Yancey, Yancy, Young