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Originally published by Goodspeed Publishing in 1887, this 84-page reprint is filled with names and sketches of White County pioneers and complimented by a brief history of the county.
Akins, Allison, Ames, Anderson, Anthony, Austin
Baker, Barbour, Barnes, Bassom, Basson, Bates, Beam, Bickford, Biles, Blankenship, Blount, Bossom, Bounds, Bowen, Boyd, Bradford, Bradley, Brittan, Brockett, Bronson, Brookstein, Brown, Brownlow, Bryan, Burgess, Burgis, Burton, Byard
Cameron, Campbell, Carrick, Carter, Caruthers, Catron, Cheatham, Chisem, Clark, Coatney, Cole, Collins, Combs, Comer,Connelly, Cooper, Cope, Copher, Cowan, Cox, Cram, Crawford, Crowley, Cummin, Cummings, Cummins, Cunningham
Daugherty, Davis, Denton, Denny, Dergan, Dibrell, Dibrell, Dillon, Dinges, Dodson, Dorton, Douglas, Drake, Draper,Dummings, Duncan, Dunny
Earls, Eastland, England, English, Epps
Fancher, Farmer, Farris, Faucher, Findley, Finley, Fisk, Fite, Fitzgerald, Flemming, Fletcher, Floyd, Ford, Forester, Forrest,Fraley, Frank, Franklin, Fulkerson
Gabe, Gains, Gamble, Gibbs, Gibrell, Gillentine, Gilliland, Gillin, Gissom, Gist, Glenn, Goff, Gooch, Goodall, Goodbar,Goodpasture, Gracey, Green, Guest, Gunter
Haggard, Hall, Hancock, Haqncock, Hardee, Hargess, Harpole, Harris, Harty, Haston, Hauks, Hayes, Henderson, Herd,Hess, High, Hill, Hitchcock, Hobson, Hoffman, Holder, Holford, Holter, Hopkins, Howard, Hudgens, Hudson, Huston
Jackson, Jarrett, Jarvis, Jenkins, Jett, Jones
Keith, King, Kirby, Knowles
Lampton, Lane, Lausden, Lawson, Laxon, Ledbetter, Lee, Leftwick, Lewis, Lincoln, Little, Longstreet, Lowrey
Madding, Madison, Magness, Marchbanks, Markum, Marmaduke, Martin, Matthews, May, Mayes, Meeks, Metcalf, Milican, Mitchael, Mitchell, Moat, Montgomery,Moore, Morgan, Morrison, Murray, Musgrove
McBride, McConnell, McDaniel, McGuire, Mackay, McManus, McWhister
Nelson, Nicholson, Norwood, Nourse
O’Connor, Officer, Ogle, Oldham, Overton
Payne, Pearce, Pennington, Pettit, Phillips, Pollard, Pollock, Pope, Potts, Price, Quarles
Randals, Ratan, Reed, Renshaw, Rhea, Rice, Ridley, Roberts, Robertson, Rodgers, Rogers, Rowland, Russell, Rutledge
Sander, Sapp, Scarborough, Scott, Seatt, Shackleford, Sharon, Sharp, Shelley (Shelly), Shields, Shockly, Simms, Simns, Simpson, Sinvil, Smallman, Smith, Snodgrass, Southern, Sparkman, Sperry, Spurlock, Stanton, Starkley, Starnes, Steele, Stewart, Story, Sugg, Swift, Swindler, Swofford
Taylor, Templeton, Terry, Thompson, Throckmorton, Tillman, Towles, Turner, Turney, Tyrell
Van Dyke, Vaughn, Vining, Voss
Wade, Wallace, Walling, Ward, Warren, Watson, Weaver, Webb, Wheeler, Whilhite, White, Whitehead, Wilcher, Williams, Wilson, Winstead, Winter, Witt, Woods, Woolsey, Wright
Yates, Young
Included in publication but NOT included in family sketch surnames index (above) are:
- Names of Sheriffs & Terms in Office
- Names of Clerks of the County Court & Terms in Office
- Names of Clerks of the Circuit Court & Terms in Office
- Names of Registers & Terms in Office
- Names of Trustees & Terms in Office
- Names of Clerks/Masters & Terms in Office