Census Tax Listing

Tax Listings and Census

Sometimes, you find your ancestor on either the tax list or the census, but not on both even though you know that they were there at that time. One of the tricks I have used is to compare the two, a tax list about the time as the census. A transcriber frequently does not do both of these records and the reading of the names can vary. By a comparison of the two, you might discover that your ancestor is present on both. In looking at the tax list, you…

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Tax Listing

Using Tax Records in Your Genealogy Search

It is said that there are only two things certain in this life – death and taxes. We all say this in jest, but then we know they are true. Paying taxes has been a way of life since most of us came onto the earth. We also find taxation in the Bible as a part of their life as well. In the field of genealogy, the tax listings of an area are one of those often overlooked resources. They are not always easy to find, and in most cases,…

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Tax Listing

The Tax Man Cometh

In doing genealogical research, we often find a reference to the “Tax Listing” of a particular area. Far too many overlook this very important listing because it gives such a small amount of information. However, several items of interest can be gleaned from the tax listing. Most will turn to the census first, yet sometimes this can be an inaccurate source of information. The tax listing is more accurate as the tax man works year round to gather the information and not just a few weeks as the census taker.…

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