Civil War

Other Areas for Civil War Research

Now that you have searched the military service records and the pension files for your ancestor during the Civil War, you may still need information. Now is the perfect time to find some other areas for research. There has been a lot written about the Civil War over the years. Somewhere in all of these records, there is a record of your ancestor. The first thing that we have to do is to review everything that we know at this point about them. Don’t overlook the most oblivious detail such…

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Civil War

Civil War and Union Records

This is second article in our Civil War series.  You can also read about The Civil War – Confederate Records.   With this being the 150th anniversary of the beginning of the Civil War, a lot of attention is being placed on the records that pertain to this conflict. Much is being made of the battles, the men in the trenches as well as the generals that fought in the war. However, there is little attention being paid to the cause of the war. While many believe the cause of…

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Civil War

Civil War – Confederate Records

The Civil War was a terrible war in the history of the United States with more killed in those few years of fighting than in all of the wars since the American Revolution. This was one war that affected every household in the United States one way or another. There have been volumes and volumes written about the Civil War. When we start searching for our Civil War ancestors, it is helpful if you know something about them, especially if you think they are Confederate. The reason for this is…

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Cherokee Civil War

Researching the Life and Times of our Ancestors

You cannot do real genealogical research until you are willing to research the life and times in which our ancestors lived. When we really understand their time and place in history, we can more fully understand their lives. Genealogy is more than just “hatch, match and dispatch” of these ancestors. Most beginners strive just to gather names and dates of events in their ancestor’s lives, but the true genealogist tries to get a glimpse of the times and places in history. The following books will give you details surrounding the…

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