Bible Records Birth Records

Birth Records

The old saying that genealogist want to “hatch, match and dispatch” everyone in their families seems true. Everyone wants the dates of birth, marriage and death for each of the entries in their charts. Of all of these dates, the birth date is the hardest to locate in most of the periods of history. There are a number of reasons for this dilemna. Let’s examine some of them and see if there is not a way to slip around that “brick wall”. First, during a long period of our history,…

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Bible Records Biographies Church Records Court Records Marriage Records Wills

Finding Great-Grandma

Who was great-grandma?? This is a very frequently asked question since most of the time only her given name is known. We find this from the census beginning in the 1850 forward. We also find the name on deeds when the property is sold as is stated, “John Smith and his wife Alice sell to Robert Black….”. But the question remains, what was Alice’s last name? I’m sorry to say, there is no single silver bullet that takes us to the answer, but following are some clues to help up…

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